Page 234 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 234
        Answer key: Unit 9

        Speaking | Part 2                                        Examiner:  Thank you. Daniel, which job do you think is
                                                                   the most demanding?
        1 Suggested answers
          1   deal with infringements, give somebody a fine,     Daniel:  Hmm, good question! For me, I think the most
            have a criminal record, traffic/parking offences,      demanding job is probably the shepherd. I mean, how
            check identity                                         do you keep track of all those sheep and not lose one?
          2   clear up leaves, keep public spaces tidy             And you’re out there working whatever the weather.
          3   cover large areas, find suitable pastures, protect   Examiner:  Now, Daniel, here are your pictures …
            from predators, round up the flock, conserve
            energy                                              4  1 must be  2 what do  3 I mean  4 what’s  5 sure of
        3  1 Yes  2 Yes  3 No (She suggests two ways.)          5  a 3  b 1, 2 and 5  c 2, 4 and 5
          4 No (But she uses two possible words to express the
          meaning and then moves on.)  5 Yes  6 Yes  7 Yes      6  Suggested answers
                                                                  1   become disorientated, combat the cold, deep-
             CD 2 Track 10                                           sea diver, lack of oxygen, take strict safety
         Examiner:  Now in this part of the test I’m going to give   precautions, underwater archaeology
           each of you three pictures. I’d like you to talk about two     2   become disorientated, deep in the woods, lose your
           of them on your own for about a minute, and also to       way
           answer a question briefly about your partner’s pictures.     3   backbreaking work, deep underground, hard
           Anna, it’s your turn first. Here are your pictures. They   physical labour, heat and noise, take strict safety
           show people using different machines or devices. I’d      precautions
           like you to compare two of the pictures and say what     4   take pride in your work, handed down from father
           problems the people might have in their jobs and how      to son
           the machines or devices might help the people to do     5   skilled craftsmanship, take pride in your work
           their jobs better.                                     6   backbreaking work, handed down from father
                                                                     to son, hard physical labour, plough a field, take
         Anna:  Well, the first one is a policeman using what I
           think must be a tablet – you know, with an internet       pride in your work
           connection so he can check or send data. He’s probably
           checking the identity of a driver to see if he has a   7
           criminal record or he could be checking to see if the car
           is stolen or something. The other picture shows – what     CD 2 Track 11
           do you call the person? – a cowboy or a shepherd, I’m   Set A
           not sure, and he’s rounding up his herd, I mean his flock   Examiner:  Now in this part of the test I’m going to give
           of sheep. I think the policeman might have problems     each of you three pictures. I’d like you to talk about
           with angry drivers he’s giving a fine to, or if he’s dealing   two of them on your own for about a minute, and
           with traffic offences. The device helps him because he   also to answer a question briefly about your partner’s
           can check information in – what’s the phrase? – in real   pictures. Here are your pictures. They show people
           time: he doesn’t have to call someone at the police     doing activities in remote environments. I’d like you to
           station or go there to check things. He might even have   compare two of the pictures and say why the people
           a mobile printer in the police car and be able to give   might have chosen to do these activities in these
           the driver a fine automatically. The shepherd might      remote places, and what the dangers of doing each of
           have trouble finding all his sheep and protecting them   them might be.
           from predators. Also, he has to cover a large area. By
           using a, a – I’m not sure of the name of the vehicle, is it
                                                                      CD 2 Track 12
           a quad bike? – he doesn’t have to walk or use a horse
                                                                 Set B
           all day, so he can conserve his energy and not get worn
                                                                 Examiner:  Now in this part of the test I’m going to give
           out – and so can his dog!
                                                                   each of you three pictures. I’d like you to talk about two
                                                                   of them on your own for about a minute, and also to
                                                                   answer a question briefly about your partner’s pictures.

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