Page 230 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 230
        Answer key: Unit 8

         Lukas:  I suppose not, but I’m not sure advertising affects     CD 2 Track 06
           me that much. I’m fairly sure I haven’t bought anything   Examiner  Now you have about a minute to decide which
           because of an advert I’ve seen.
                                                                   two of these influences have the greatest effect on
         Anna:  Ah – that’s what you say, but are you sure? We’ve   people.
           already agreed that advertising can affect you sort of
                                                                 Anna:  I think we’ve more or less decided, haven’t we?
           subconsciously – so that you don’t think you’ve been
           persuaded, but in fact you have.                      Lukas:  I’m not sure we have. I mean, we both think the
                                                                   Internet is very powerful, but lots of internet sites are
         Lukas:  That’s the problem – you can never be sure, can   packed with advertising, and that’s how multinational
                                                                   corporations make their money, isn’t it?
         Anna:  OK – let’s move on to the Internet, which is
                                                                 Anna:  Yes, so what are we saying? That multinational
           massive, isn’t it? In some countries it must be the most
                                                                   corporations are the most powerful influence of all?
           influential of all these things.
                                                                 Lukas:  Well, that’s what I think.
         Lukas:  You can just find out anything.
                                                                 Anna:  I’m not so sure. I’d say TV and radio were pretty
         Anna:  Yeah, absolutely anything – Wikipedia, and all the
                                                                   powerful too.
           social networking sites and stuff.
                                                                 Lukas:  Yes, but a lot of broadcasting stations are funded
         Lukas:  And at least with the Internet people have a huge   by advertising, aren’t they?
                                                                 Anna:  Yes, I’d never thought of that.
         Anna:  But don’t forget all the banner ads and the pop-
                                                                 Lukas:  OK, so we think that multinational corporations are
                                                                   the most powerful. What’s next?
         Lukas:  You see, you can never get away from advertising
           of some kind.                                         Anna:  Well, I’d say advertising – because that’s
                                                                   everywhere. In newspapers, on the  Internet and on TV.
         Anna:  I know – and almost all games people play online
                                                                 Lukas:  So, do we agree?
           are packed with ads.
         Lukas:  In the end multinational corporations are       Anna:  Yes, I think we do.
           responsible for that. They’re a lot more influential than
           we realise – because their wealth gives them power.  Vocabulary
         Anna:  Yeah – but it’s less direct power, isn’t it?
                                                                ‘Talking’ verbs
         Lukas:  I don’t think it’s less direct. It may be less obvious,
           but there’s no doubt that large sections of the media   1  1 tells  2 talk/speak  3 discussed  4 saying
           are owned and controlled by the business interests of   5 comment  6 spoke/talked
           a few powerful individuals. This means they influence
           people’s political views and control advertising. So   2  1 tell  2 saying, speak  3 mention  4 expressed
           in the end they do have a huge influence on how we      5 says  6 comment  7 told, mention  8 speak
           spend our money.
         Anna:  It’s all a bit sinister, don’t you think?
                                                                Reading and Use of English | Part 6
         Lukas:  Yeah, a bit Big Brother-ish – being told what to
                                                                4  1  a craze for immediate fame
                                                                 2  shameless advertising of oneself
        4  some kind, sort of, stuff, things like that           3  a less intelligent generation
          a bit, quite a few, a lot                              4  doing things without instructions to follow
          nearly, fairly, quite, almost, probably                5   controlled in a cold-hearted way for some
          the suffix -ish (Big Brother-ish)                          advantage that can be gained
                                                                 6  something which creates a sense of community
        7  2   Suggested answer: They interact well, each putting    7  times when people meet informally at work
            forward ideas and negotiating to reach their final    8   something people feel obliged to do as members of
            decision.                                                their society
                                                                 9  an extremely careful procedure for choosing

                                                                5  1 a  2 b  3 b  4 a

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