Page 231 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 231                                                                                Answer key: Unit 8

        6  1  B  C and B make different points, but they both   3  1 assure you  2 tell me  3 gave it to me  4 allow us
              suggest that there are positive benefits to be      to  5 introduced me to  6 wish you
              gained from reality TV. C: ‘reality programmes
              provide “an important social glue” … help to
              bind people together’ – B: ‘the educational value  Writing | Part 2
              of observing how the contestants cope … This
              insight into the human condition is invaluable.’   A proposal
              (A and D express no positive opinions about       2  1 Yes  2 Yes  3 Suggested answer: In the second
              reality TV shows.)                                  paragraph some verbs can be strengthened to
         2  A  A claims that the popularity of reality TV is bad   sound less tentative and more confident: The first
               for young people: ‘Although it is impossible to    programme should focus on … The programme should/
               ignore their popularity, … many reality shows      would highlight … with which many viewers can/will
               send an unfortunate message encouraging a cult     identify … It is / will be important …
               of instant celebrity … this addiction to celebrity   In the fourth paragraph Hopefully is rather weak –
               culture is creating a dumbed-down generation.’     the sentence could be rephrased: I am sure/certain
               B, C and D express the view that it has no         that this will/would encourage viewers …
               harmful effect on the audience.
         3  D  B: ‘characters have been selected to encourage   3  Suggested answers
               disagreements or tension and then cynically        1   I suggest that the company should consider
               manipulated’ – D: ‘contestants who have               making a programme about wildlife in the region.
               undergone a meticulous selection process …         2   This would/should include a feature on animals
               This situation is then stage-managed’, ‘in order      native to the region.
               to create tensions … encouraging conflict …       3   I am sure/certain/convinced that viewers would find
               provoking behaviour’. (A and C do not mention         this fascinating / very appealing / of great interest.
               the way participants are controlled.)              4   Programmes about animals appeal to the majority
         4  B  A, C and D all express the view that reality shows    of people.
              are inauthentic (A: ‘pretending to imitate real     5   Research suggests that many young people would
              life’; C: ‘they do not reflect reality’; D: ‘provoking   welcome such a programme / a programme of this
              behaviour very different from what would               kind.
              happen in real-life survival situations’). However,
              B’s view is that what is shown is authentic:      4  1 from  2 to  3 to  4 on  5 with, with  6 to  7 in, in
              ‘reality shows … feature real people operating
              without scripts’, engineering by the programme
              makers ‘does not take away from the reality of    Vocabulary and grammar review |
              the programmes; in fact it adds to it.’
                                                                Unit 7

        Grammar                                                 1  1 afford  2 rent  3 earns/makes  4 sell
                                                                  5 hired  6 earn/make  7 cost, paying  8 spend
        Transitive verbs
                                                                2  1 B  2 A  3 D  4 C  5 A  6 B  7 D  8 A
        1  1 allowed, warned, instructed, required
          2 told, reminded, convinced, informed
                                                                3  Suggested answers
                                                                  1   (While) dealing with his mother’s absence, an
        2  1   a intransitive, visit someone’s home                  eleven-year-old boy tries to understand his family
            b transitive, give a name to (somebody)                  and stop it from breaking apart, (all of) which he
         2   a intransitive, move very quickly                       finds very difficult.
            b transitive, manage (an organisation)                2   A man called Black, whose brain becomes
         3   a intransitive, succeed in doing something difficult    magnetised, unintentionally destroys every tape in
            b transitive, be in charge of (an organisation)          a video store, (which is) owned by his best friend.
         4   a intransitive, depart                                  Feeling sorry for the store’s most loyal customer,
            b transitive, let (something) remain where it is         an elderly woman who is losing her memory,
         5   a intransitive, go to live in a different place         Black and his friend set out to remake the lost
            b transitive, change the position of (something)

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