Page 233 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 233                                                                                Answer key: Unit 9

             of proportion when they occur because they need a   Grammar
                                                                Time clauses
         Woman:  Hmm. Well I think breaking a record even by a
           millisecond is a sensation.                          1  1 was invented  2 arrived  3 no longer break
                                                                  4 occur  5 stopped  6 have spent
         Man:  But I guess we’re getting close to the limits of
           human ability now.
                                                                2  1 retires 2 had been working / had worked
         Woman:  Maybe. The key change occurred when top          3 are driving  4 got  5 am  6 was accepted
           sports people stopped being amateurs and devoted       7 get / have got, have passed  8 had written
           themselves full time to their sport, not to mention new
           technologies which affected shoe or track design.    3  1 at work until she has  2 the last customer(s) had
           Perhaps the next big step could be to modify human     3 soon as I have got back  4 had almost/nearly run
           genes to produce better athletes.
                                                                  out of
         Man:  Yeah, that used to sound like science fiction, didn’t
           it? But if they can do it to rats, they’ll soon be able to   Prepositions in time expressions
           do it to humans too.
                                                                4  1 at on  2 at in  3 of in  4 in at  5 of in  6 in at
         Woman:  Ha, rat Olympics!
                                                                  7 in on  8 in at  9 in on  10 in at
        8  5 B  6 C
             CD 2 Track 09
         Extract Three                                          action, activity, event and programme
         Woman:  When you think that the nearest star’s 4.2 light   1  1 c, e  2 d, i  3 b, h  4 a, f, g
           years away, a spaceship using current technology
           would take seventy-two thousand years to get there, an   2  1 events, b  2 action, c  3 events, h
           unimaginable length of time.
                                                                  4 programmes, f  5 activities, i
         Man:  So to make interstellar space travel a realistic
           possibility, the spaceship would need a nuclear      3  1 activity  2 programme  3 action  4 programme
           explosion to propel it at close to the speed of light.   5 action  6 event  7 activity  8 programme
         Woman:  Well, that may be technically feasible, but there   9 event  10 activity  11 action  12 event
           are treaties which prohibit nuclear explosions from
           being used in space programmes. Who knows what       4  social event, spare-time activity, programme of
           effect such explosions might have on the environment?  (social) events, flurry of activity, call for swift action
         Man:  True, but a spaceship using more conventional
           technology would take so long to get anywhere that
           the original occupants wouldn’t live to reach their   Reading and Use of English | Part 7
           destination, nor would their great-grandchildren,
                                                                2  Suggested answers
           but only their descendants many generations later
                                                                  Para 1: the effects of driving very fast
           would. Even if there were a couple of hundred people
                                                                  Para 2: the problems of driving at high speed
           prepared to embark on a journey like this, they and
                                                                  Para 3: comparison with a Formula One car
           their descendants would have to live together on the
                                                                  Para 4: how the engineers produced enough power
           ship all their lives, travelling through the emptiness of
                                                                  Para 5: the problem of aerodynamics
           space. What activities would they engage in during all
                                                                  Para 6: the solution to the aerodynamics
           this time? What’d be the point of their existence? That
                                                                  Para 7: how it feels to drive this car
           really would be the central concern. I can imagine them
           degenerating into barbarism and fighting after they’ve     Suggested underlining: But once you go past 320
           spent several generations in space.                    km/h, at this juncture, when you look at the history
         Woman:  What a horrific thought!                          of its development, His engineers were horrified,
                                                                  Then things got tricky, When this had been done,
        9  1 underwent  2 had  3 had  4 has had  5 lose,          they hit on the idea, I didn’t care
          break  6 making  7 embark  8 engage in
                                                                3  1 C  2 A  3 D  4 B  5 E  6 G (Para F is not used.)

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