Page 226 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 226
        Answer key: Unit 7

        Reading and Use of English | Part 1                      Extract 2
                                                                 Marta:  I’d say it’s easy for individuals to feel a bit lost in a
        3  1 C  2 D  3 B  4 A  5 B  6 B  7 C  8 A                  large club, and particularly when they first join, especially
                                                                   if they don’t already know anyone who belongs. In this
                                                                   situation team-building activities provide opportunities
        Vocabulary                                                 for people to get to know each other better more
        Money words                                                effectively than simply leaving things to chance, so that
                                                                   when they start joining in club activities, they feel more
        1  1 renting  2 earn, buying, selling  3 hiring  4 lend,   comfortable. That’s not likely to be such a problem for
          pay  5 borrow                                            members of smaller clubs where everyone gets to know
                                                                   everyone else quite quickly.
        2  1 sell  2 make  3 buy  4 pay  5 afford, costs         Examiner:  Do you agree, Laura?
          6 meet  7 take out  8 burn  9 raise
                                                                 Laura:  Yes, I do. I think in smaller organisations people
        3  1 mouth  2 trees  3 cash  4 nose  5 way  6 water        tend to get together socially, and maybe don’t need
          7 purse  8 bank                                          things organised for them.

        4  1 gaining earning  2 afford cover, spend pay
          3 pay buy / pay for  4 borrow lend  5 rent borrow     Writing | Part 2
          6 buy spend  7 earned raised                          An informal letter

                                                                1  2  Suggested answer: when the contact needs to be
        Speaking | Part 4                                         official, formal or serious, e.g. a letter of application,
                                                                  resignation, condolence or complaint
        3  1   They are answering questions 1 and 4.
          2   Extract 1: Her main point is that the activities are   2  Suggested order: 1 A 2 C 3 D  4 E  5 B
            worthwhile and people enjoy them.                     1  A  asking a friend let him/her stay for a few days
            Extract 2: Her main point is that the activities are      B   a holiday rental company confirming payment
            more useful in large clubs because members find it         and reminding the client of conditions
            harder to get to know each other.                      C   inviting staff and students to an end-of-term
          3   Extract 1: She partly agrees.                             party
            Extract 2: She agrees.                                 D  thanking musicians who played at party
                                                                   E   apologising to a customer for damage to a CD in
             CD 1 Track 21
         Extract 1
                                                                  2  Suggested answers
         Laura:  No, not at all. I think it’s really important for people
           who are going to be spending time together to get to      A   The two people know each other well.
           know each other properly as quickly as possible. I don’t      B   This is part of a business transaction between
           have any experience of these activities myself, but I        the company and the person renting the
           imagine if they’re well thought out, they can be very        property.
           worthwhile for the people who go on them as well as      C   The tutor or student who is writing has a friendly
           for any clubs and organisations they belong to. There        relationship with the people involved in the
           are probably a few individuals who can’t see the point       course.
           of them – and ironically, these may be the people who      D   The party organiser/host was pleased with the
           most need these activities – but I’d say the majority find    music and wants to show his/her appreciation.
           them enjoyable and useful.                              E   The company is making a polite apology to a
                                                                        customer who has complained.
         Examiner:  What do you think, Marta?
         Marta:  Well, I think I’d benefit from them personally, but
           not everyone would be comfortable with activities like
           these and I don’t think they should be forced to take
           part if they don’t want to.

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