Page 221 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 221                                                                                Answer key: Unit 6

                                                                3  Suggested answers
           As I said before, I’d been expecting to daydream all
           day, but Mike painted me standing staring directly     2   Fewer and fewer people listen to classical music.
           at him and I had to stand still with this very intense,   This means that less of it is being recorded.
           concentrated man’s eyes boring into me. Whenever my     3   I have to read lots of books for my Business
           attention wandered, he’d say, ‘You’re not really looking   Studies course. The ones / Those I enjoy most are
           at me, your mind’s elsewhere.’ And I had to come          those / the ones on management theory.
           back to the present. It was harder than any acting job     4   I’m hoping to be given a pay rise. This/That/It
           because I had to be myself through the entire process. I   pay rise, which will mean I can buy a better car.
           felt a huge sense of release when Mike announced he’d     5   I want Karl, Pau, Ludmila and Mar to come to the
           finished with me.                                          meeting. I’ve told Karl. Can you tell the others?
                                                                  6   Marina doesn’t like spending a lot of money on
         Interviewer:  So, Mike, do you feel you capture the         clothes, so she tends to buy second-hand ones /
           personality of your sitters?
                                                                     buy them second hand.
         Mike:  No doubt I get some intuition about my subjects’     7   My mother asked you to help her and she’d have
           personalities as I work with them, though we don’t        been so happy if you’d done so / if you had.
           normally talk much, because the process of painting     8   When Raul feels strongly about something, he
           takes up all my attention. Critics say that the person’s   says so.
           personality comes through in great portraits, but I     9   She didn’t do the shopping because no one asked
           think that argument’s a bit overstated. I feel that if I   her to / asked her to do so/it.
           capture anything, it’s my subject’s passing moods and     10   Someone left a message on the answering machine
           emotions. People looking at the portraits later draw      but they didn’t leave their name.
           their own conclusions about character – and that’s how
           the best art should be, shouldn’t it? An interaction
           between the subject, the artist and the observer,    Vocabulary
           where each one makes a contribution to something
           which never has one definitive result but where each   Adjective–noun collocations (2)
           individual takes from it what they see at that moment.
                                                                1  big

        Reading and Use of English | Part 5                     2  1  large / considerable / huge / tremendous
                                                                  2  amazing / good / great / huge / wide
        1  1 a  2 i  3 d  4 b  5 g  6 j  7 e  8 f  9 c  10 h      3  loud / terrible / tremendous
                                                                  4  considerable / great / huge / tremendous
        2  Suggested answer: portraits which were                 5  heavy / terrible
          unselfconsciously presented, less ‘finished’, more      6  amazing / good / great / tremendous / valuable
          natural and spontaneous, drawn from life using a        7  good / high / large
          mirror not a photo                                      8   amazing / considerable / good / great / huge /
                                                                     satisfactory / tremendous
        4  1 C  2 D  3 A  4 D  5 A  6 B                           9  considerable / huge / wide
                                                                  10   amazing / considerable / endless / great / huge /
                                                                     tremendous / wide
                                                                3  Suggested answers
        Avoiding repetition
                                                                  Words like huge and tremendous have a more
        1  1 which  2 themselves, another  3 those, they          extreme meaning than great, considerable or
          4 this  5 whose  6 that                                 large; they also tend to be used in more colloquial
                                                                  speech. Amazing conveys surprise at how much.
        2  1 (said) it so/this  2 it one  3 it one  4 these this    Terrible conveys a negative attitude. Good, valuable,
          5 all everything / it all / them all  6 it one/some     satisfactory and great (in most contexts) convey a
          7 it that/this 8 yourself you                           positive attitude.

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