Page 216 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 216
        Answer key: Unit 4

           you a reasonable workload and provides you with the   Vocabulary and grammar review |
           support you need to do your job well and also someone   Unit 3
           who recognises when you’re working hard and gives
           you praise when you deserve it.                      1  1 relationships  2 communication(s)  3 rarely
         Laura:  Oh, I wish my boss was like that!                4 neighbourhood  5 increasingly  6 arguments
                                                                  7 violence  8 disagreements
        7  1 T  2 T  3 T  4 F  5 T  6 T
                                                                2  1 not no  2 no not / no my sister my sister doesn’t
                                                                  3 none any / didn’t get none got none  4 correct
        Writing | Part 2                                          5 no none  6 correct (None of Patrick’s friends is also
        A report                                                  possible.)  7 no not  8 none no

        1  Suggested underlining                                3  Suggested answers
          money available / improvements to the work              1   The term ‘amnesia’ is used to refer to a partial
          environment / office / more productive / report            or complete loss of memory … Amnesia can be
          for your manager / outline problems / summarise            caused by specific medical conditions.
          improvements / you and your colleagues /                2   It is very well known that our memory is formed
          recommend two changes                                      by our real experiences. But could a false memory
          1 to make it more productive  2 your manager               be put into our heads? Could we be persuaded (to
                                                                     believe) that we had experienced something that
        5  1 outline  2 the deficiencies in  3 make                  never actually took place?
          recommendations  4 a number of  5 antiquated            3   Our semantic memory is used to store our
          6 hold telephone conversations  7 concentrate on           knowledge of the world … The meanings of words
          8 distracted  9 long hours  10 consulted  11 reduce        and the names of people and places are included
          12 necessary work discussions  13 As a first               in our semantic memory.
          measure, I would recommend  14 have a direct            4   … It can be thought of as the ability to remember
          effect on productivity  15 absence due to sick leave       and use a limited amount of information for a
          16 enabling staff                                          short amount of time … If you are distracted, the
                                                                     information can be lost and the task has to be
        6  1   A suitable style reflects the subject matter, the     started again.
            status of the reader and possibly the reader’s
            relationship with the writer. A serious subject     Vocabulary and grammar review |
            like improving working conditions, written for a
            manager, requires a formal style.                   Unit 4
          2   The improvements will reduce tiredness, improve
            morale, enable staff to work more productively,     1  1 B  2 A  3 D  4 D  5 C  6 C 7 B  8 D
            reduce sick leave absence, enable staff to work
            more efficiently.                                   2  1 extensive/huge/specialist/vast  2 huge/powerful
                                                                  3 constant/huge  4 excellent  5 fierce  6 huge/vast
        8  Suggested underlining                                  7 extensive/specialist/vast  8 excellent/specialist
          international hotel chain / work experience /
          training manager / report / describe tasks and        3  1 could  2 might not  3 couldn’t have  4 possible
          activities / explain problems / recommendations for     5 highly  6 can’t  7 bound
          two improvements

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