Page 213 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 213                                                                                Answer key: Unit 3

         Woman 2:  Yes, I know exactly what you mean. You start   Writing | Part 1
           by blaming someone else and then you decide it’s your   An essay
           fault – that you’re inadequate. That’s when the stress
           starts.                                              2  Suggested answers
         Woman 1:  Exactly! Then because you’re working so hard   1  established channels of communication between
           and thinking about work even when you’re not there, it   colleagues and between employees and their
           starts to affect other parts of your life. I lost my temper   managers. Regular meetings might be a part of
           with my boyfriend last week – for no real reason – just   this.
           because I’d had a hard day at work. I apologised       2  having enough time for work and enough to have
           afterwards of course, but I could tell he was quite upset.   a personal/social life; a balance between what you
           That’s one of the worst effects of stress, isn’t it?     have to do and what you like to do
                                                                  3   to feel that you are important as a person and that
         Woman 2:  Yes, it is. Other people are affected if you’re
           stressed, often people you care about. But you know,      people recognise your worth
           you’re lucky – at least you have a job. I’ve been really
                                                                3  Suggested answers
           stressed recently because I can’t find a job. And I’m
                                                                  1  a Yes  b Yes  c Not entirely. When making use
           running out of money.
                                                                    of the second opinion given in the task (‘The
         Woman 1:  What will you do?
                                                                    happier the employees …’), the writer has used
         Woman 2:  I don’t know. I could borrow some from my        almost the same words; also it would be better to
           parents, but I’d prefer not to. And if I tell them I’m short   find alternative ways of expressing ‘happy and
           of money, they’ll start to worry and I don’t want them   motivated’.
           worrying because of me. That’ll make everything worse     2   Generally yes, but there is some inappropriate
           and I’ll get even more stressed. It’s a vicious circle. So   informality: I’ll (I will), I’ve (I have)
           what do you do if you’re feeling stressed?             3  Yes
         Woman 1:  Well, I thought about going to the doctor and
           asking for some pills, but then I thought: ‘There must   4  Suggested answers
           be better ways of dealing with it than drugs.’ So if I’m   1  Para 2:  One of the methods employers could use to
           feeling particularly stressed after a day at work, I do          ensure employees are happy and motivated
           one of two things: either I phone a friend and suggest         Para 3: The second method employers could use
           we go out for the evening, or I go to the gym. What         Para 4: Conclusion: the writer’s opinion
           about you?                                             2   Paragraph 1 shows the writer’s general grasp of
                                                                     the topic. Paragraphs 2 and 3 discuss two of the
         Woman 2:  I find talking about my problems is quite          methods listed in the task. Paragraph 2 takes up
           helpful. You often find there are lots of people in the    the opinion about communication but expresses
           same situation or even a worse situation than you – that   it in a different way. Paragraph 2 also makes it
           helps me get things into perspective. And I always try    clear which method the writer thinks is the more
           to find reasons to be optimistic. For example, I’ve got    important and this is restated in a different way in
           two interviews next week and I’m determined to get        the concluding paragraph.
           one of the jobs That’ll make things easier for me. And I     3  Opinions are expressed in all four paragraphs.
           spend time with friends and I try relaxation techniques.
           Have you tried that?                                 6  Suggested answers
         Woman 1:  No, but perhaps I will.                        Para 1: 5 and 9  Para 2: 1 and 4  Para 3: 6 and 10
                                                                  Para 4: 2 and 8
        3  1 mean  2 isn’t it  3 do you do  4 about  5 tried      3 and 7 are not appropriate, as they are too informal
                                                                  and personal.

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