Page 209 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 209                                                                                Answer key: Unit 2

        Speaking | Part 2                                       6  1 Suggested answer: Choose the two you find easiest
                                                                  – the photos are not graded to be easier or more
        1  Compare two of the photos, say what the speakers       difficult; the examiners will assess you on the
          might be explaining, say what problems the speakers     quality of your speaking.  2 No, also the adults.
          might have.
                                                                7  Suggested answers
        2  Suggested answers                                      1   cheer someone up, give encouragement, put a
          photo 1: boost morale, decide on / discuss / explain       brave face on things
          tactics, encourage the team, influence the outcome,     2   bond with each other, spend quality time together,
          photo 2: give a demonstration, take people through         teach someone basic skills
          the steps                                               3   bond with each other, look through an album,
          photo 3: argue a case, defend a client, influence the      remember good times, share family history, spend
          outcome, persuade the judge/jury, reach a verdict          quality time together

        3  1 explain tactics, boost morale, argue a case, defend   Grammar
          a client, persuade the jury, reach a verdict  2 He also
          mentions similarities.  3 Yes                         Expressing reason, purpose and result

             CD 1 Track 07                                      1  1 c  2 g  3 f  4 h  5 b  6 a  7 e  8 d
         Examiner:  In this part of the test I’m going to give each of   2  1  a 1, 2, 4, 6  b 5, 7, 8  c 3
           you three pictures. I’d like you to talk about two of them     2   a so as to, to  b with the intention of, due to   c so,
           on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a      with the result that, in case, otherwise
           question briefly about your partner’s pictures. Here are
           your pictures. They show people explaining things. I’d   3   1 because  2 For  3 because of  4 so that
           like you to compare two of the pictures and say what    5 in order not to
           the speakers might be explaining and what problems
           the speakers might have.
                                                                Writing | Part 2
         Ivan:  OK. In this photo there’s a team coach who looks
           as if he’s explaining tactics to a team of teenage boys,   A report
           perhaps at half time. The boys give the impression
           that they’re a bit tired or perhaps disheartened,    1  1 people in an international media company
           judging by the expressions on their faces, so perhaps   2 formal  3 how popular, why, the effect on local
           he’s trying to boost their morale. In the other photo   culture, recommended changes  4 Suggested answer:
           there’s a lawyer, a barrister I think they’re called, who   probably the same order as in the question
           seems to be arguing a case to the court. She appears
           to be defending her client and trying to persuade the   2  1 The aim  2 accounted for  3 means  4 the result
           jury that he’s innocent. In both photos, I imagine the   5 meant  6 As a consequence  7 resulted  8 due to
           explanation is vital: the coach wants his team to go   9 so as  10 the effect
           back on the pitch and win the match while the barrister
                                                                3  1 It has a title and sections with section headings.
           wants to win her case by persuading the jury to reach
                                                                  2 Yes  3 Yes
           a verdict of not guilty. I think both speakers have very
           similar problems because their success depends
                                                                4  1 the languages people learn / who learns them and
           entirely on the words they use, although the outcome is
                                                                  where / recommendations for improving language
           something they have no direct control over.
                                                                  learning  2 people at an educational publishing
         Examiner:  Thank you.
                                                                  company  3 formal
        4  From the recording script: 1 he’s explaining tactics.
          2 they’re a bit tired or perhaps disheartened … the
          expressions on their faces.  3 to be arguing a case.
          4 to be defending her client.  5 his team to go back
          on the pitch and win the match … to win her case.
          6 the explanation is vital.
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