Page 205 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 205                                                                                Answer key: Unit 1

                                                                  5   T  (‘giving reasons in support of your answer’)
           sort of thing, and I remember one time we went water-
           skiing, which was a great new experience for me. Yes,     6   F (You should ensure that everything you write is
           that’s a very good one, because I loved being close to    relevant to the task.)
           my dad and doing things with him, you know, things I     7   F (You should write in a formal academic
           wouldn’t have done with my mum.                          style using complete sentences and structured
                                                                  8   F  (You should aim to complete the task as stated.)
        3  1 F  2 T  3 T  4 T
                                                                4  Para 1: d  Para 2: c  Para 3: a  Para 4: e  Para 5: b
              CD 1 Track 04
         Examiner:  Marta, can you tell me, have you ever had the   5  1   To make sure you deal with the task as exactly as
           opportunity to really help a friend?                      possible
         Marta:  Yes, I was able to give a friend a room once when     2   You will score higher marks if you write a
           she had to move out of her house quite quickly.  She’d    coherent, structured answer.
           been having problems with one of her flatmates, so she     3   Not exactly – she also included how students can
           came to stay with us for a while, just for a few months,   learn necessary skills while working.
           and I think that helped her quite a lot in her situation,     4   Yes
           which wasn’t easy for her because she was studying at     5   While I understand this viewpoint, I do not
           university and it was a long way from her family home.    entirely share it; I believe; I do not think; I would
         Examiner:  Thank you. Lukas, a question for you. What’s     therefore argue that
           your happiest childhood memory?                        6   Student’s own answer
                                                                  7   An academic essay always requires students to
         Lukas:  One of the best is really from the summer
           vacations which we always used to spend together as       develop and express their opinion. If this is not
           a family at the seaside. I used to do quite a lot of sport   done, the task has not been completed.
           with my dad, you know, playing tennis, swimming, that   6  1   the fact that many young people find it hard to
           sort of thing, and I remember one time we went water-     find the sort of job they aspire to
           skiing, which was a great new experience for me. Yes,     2  employers
           that’s a very good one, because I loved being close to     3  students
           my dad and doing things with him, you know, things I     4  students
           wouldn’t have done with my mum.                        5   the idea that courses are too theoretical and do not
                                                                     teach students the practical skills they will need in
                                                                     the workplace
        Writing | Part 1
                                                                  6  this viewpoint
        An essay                                                  7  critical thinking skills
                                                                  8  developing critical thinking skills
        1  Suggested underlining                                  9  work experience
          education system does enough to help young people       10  students’
          to find jobs / fit / abilities and interests / courses and     11  an excellent general education
          qualifications / work experience / careers advice /
          two methods / more effective / giving reasons / own
        3  1   F (You must discuss two methods.)
          2   T (‘explain which method is more effective’)
          3   F (It’s not obligatory – you can use the opinions if
            you wish.)
          4   T (They’re written in an informal style, whereas
            an essay should be fairly formal.)

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