Page 202 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 202
        Speaking reference

        Part 4 (discussion)                                     6TFGVM MBOHVBHF

                                                                *OUSPEVDJOH ZPVS PQJOJPO BOE HJWJOH B SFBTPO
         Part 4 lasts fi ve minutes and is a discussion between you,
         your partner and the examiner. The examiner will ask   Well, in my opinion … because …
         you and your partner questions related to the topic you   I think/feel …
         discussed in Part 3. You are expected to express and   I’m not sure. I think …
         justify opinions and to agree or disagree.             From my point of view…
         You studied and practised Part 4 in Units 4, 7, 10 and 14.   I tend to think …
                                                                I would argue that …
        )PX UP EP 1BSU                                          1SFTFOUJOH PUIFS QFPQMF T BSHVNFOUT

            Listen carefully to the question. The question itself may   Some people say that …
           be preceded by a statement, which you are then asked   It is sometimes/often said that …
           to agree or disagree with or to express an opinion   It can be argued that …
           about. If you don’t understand the statement or the   One argument often made is that …
           question, you can ask the examiner to repeat it.
            Answer the question with opinions and reasons.      1SFTFOUJOH UIF PUIFS QPJOU PG WJFX
           Follow the same guidelines as for Part 3 with regard to   Having said that, I believe …
           including your partner in the discussion and keeping   On the other hand, I would argue that …
           the conversation moving.
                                                                However, I’m not sure I agree. I tend to think that …

        &YFSDJTF                                                (JWJOH SFBTPOT BOE FYBNQMFT

                                                                One reason why …
         Work through one or more of these typical questions    For this reason, …
         (related to the topic of Part 3) with a partner. Make sure   For example, …
         you each speak for approximately the same length of time.  For instance, …
         t  Some people say that in the future traditional jobs,   such as …
           where you work for an organisation, will disappear and
           be replaced by short-term jobs, where you deal with a
           particular task. What’s your opinion?
         t  What are the advantages and disadvantages of working
           part-time instead of full-time?
         t  How far do you agree with the idea that people should
           change jobs and careers at regular intervals throughout
           their working lives?
         t  What can be done to protect people’s jobs in times of
           great economic change?
         t  How has the Internet changed the way people work?
         t  Many people prefer a well-paid job to an interesting
           job. What’s your view?

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