Page 201 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 201                                                                               Speaking reference

        Part 3 (collaborative task)                             "HSFFJOH BOE EJTBHSFFJOH
                                                                I (completely) agree.   Yes, and (another thing) …
         Part 3 lasts four minutes altogther and involves a     I (totally) disagree.   I can’t agree (with you there).
         discussion between you and your partner. The key skills   You’ve got a point (there), but (the way I see it) …
         being tested are fl uency and the ability to participate in
         and maintain a conversation.                           3FBDIJOH B EFDJTJPO
         t  The examiner gives you a set of written prompts in   So, is that agreed? / do we agree on that?
           the form of a question and fi ve related options. You
           and your partner discuss these together for about two   &YFSDJTF
           minutes. During your discussion, you will be expected
           to exchange ideas, express and justify opinions, agree   Work through this sample task with a partner. Make sure
           and/or disagree, suggest, speculate and evaluate.     you each speak for approximately the same length of time.
         t  The examiner then asks you and your partner to reach a   This should take you two minutes.
           decision by negotiation, taking about one minute.

         You studied and practised Part 3 in Units 3, 6, 8, and 12.
                                                                      Now I’d like you to talk about something
        )PX UP EP 1BSU                                                together for about two minutes. Here are
                                                                      some different ways of fi nding a fi rst job and a
            You are given 15 seconds to read and think about the      question for you to discuss. First you have some
           task before you start. Use this time to read the question   time to look at the task.
           and the fi ve options carefully.                            (After 15 seconds) Now talk to each other about
            Remember: the most important thing is to have an in-      how effective these ways of fi nding a fi rst job
           depth discussion, not to cover all the options.            might be.
            Keep your focus on the question during your
           conversation – try not to stray away from the topic.
            If you start the conversation, make sure you don’t speak
           for too long. Give a brief opinion, then ask your partner                                       a university
           for their thoughts on the subject.                     a jobs website                         careers advice
            When your partner is speaking, listen carefully. React                                          service
           and respond appropriately. This can include nodding                        How effective
           and smiling, as well as speaking.                                        might these ways
            Try to make what you say sound like normal                               of fi nding a fi rst
           conversation.                                                                 job be?
            When you are asked to decide between the options, try
           not to reach agreement too quickly. If you do, you’ll still   an employment                   sending CVs to
           have to keep the discussion going until the examiner      agency                                employers
           tells you to stop by saying ‘Thank you’.                                   a newspaper


        What do you think?   Do you have any thoughts on this?
        Do you agree (with me)?   I’d say … What about you?      Now follow the examiner’s next instruction.

        Let’s move on to …   Shall we go on to next one?
        So, how about …?                                              Now you have about a minute to decide which
                                                                      way of fi nding a fi rst job is the most effective.

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