Page 196 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 196
        Writing reference


         GPSNBM                                                  MFTT GPSNBM
         I would suggest + verb + -ing                           Why not + infi nitive without to
         I would suggest including this information on our website.  Why not phone one of your friends?
         I suggest that … + clause                               Why don’t we/you + infi nitive without to
         I suggest that we ask for volunteers.                   Why don’t we just send them an email?
         should + infi nitive without to                          How about + verb + -ing
         Its activities should be advertised more widely.        How about meeting up after work tomorrow?
         I would recommend + verb + -ing                         Let’s + infi nitive without to
         I would recommend canvassing students’ ideas.           Let’s have a party.
         I recommend that … + clause                             It might be a thought + to infi nitive
         I recommend that we start a social club.                It might be a thought to put on some sun cream.
         It would be a good idea + to infi nitive
         It would be a good idea to instigate a mentoring system.

        Emails and letters

         You may be asked to write an email or letter responding
         to a situation described in the task. You must use a style      Read the writing task below, underlining the points you
         which is suitable for the person you are writing to, for   must deal with in your answer.
         example the editor of a newspaper or magazine, the        Write a paragraph-by-paragraph plan for the letter. When
         director of a company or college. In your email or letter,   you have fi nished writing your plan, check that you have
         you may have to include factual information and your own   included all the points that you have underlined.
         viewpoint in relation to this.
                                                                  The company you work for is planning to move its
         The types of letter you may have to write include        Australian head offi ce to a new city. Your manager has
         t  a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine     asked you to write to local estate agents to inquire about
         t  a letter of application, or giving a reference for    suitable premises in the city. Your letter should explain:
           someone applying for a job
                                                                  r   XIBU ZPVS DPNQBOZ EPFT
         t  a letter to the directors of an organisation          r   XIBU BSFB PG UIF DJUZ UIF DPNQBOZ XPVME MJLF UP CF
         t  an informal letter to a friend.                         located in
         You studied how to write letters in Units 7 and 13.      r   XIBU LJOE PG QSFNJTFT UIF DPNQBOZ JT MPPLJOH GPS
                                                                  Write your letter.

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