Page 199 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 199                                                                               Spea k i ng  reference
                                                                                                       Speaking reference

         'VUVSF QMBOT
         What do you hope to be doing this time next year?      I hope to be (-ing) at (place).
         How might you use your English in the future?          I expect I’ll be (-ing)
         Would you consider living abroad permanently?          I’d certainly consider (-ing)
                                                                I’d have to think carefully about …
                                                                It’s not something I’d rush into.
         Are you someone who likes to plan for the future, or do you  I’m someone who …
         prefer to let things happen?                           I’m (not) the kind of person who …
         What kinds of holiday appeal to you most? Why?         I (tend to) prefer … (mainly) because …
                                                                My main reason is that …
         Which countries would you most like to visit? Why?     I’ve always wanted to … I don’t know / can’t explain why.
         Which part(s) of your country would you recommend to   I’d recommend/suggest … Firstly, because … and secondly,
         tourists? Why?                                         because …
         Would you like to work in the travel industry? Why (not)?  I’ve never thought about it.
                                                                I’m not sure. I’d have to think about that.
         %BJMZ MJGF
         Which part of the day do you enjoy most? Why?          I’m not very good / I’m best at/in (time of day).
                                                                I’m a night / early morning person.
         What do you like to do at weekends?                    I try to catch up on (activity); I spend time (-ing).
         What do you do to relax?                               Mainly / Most of the time I …
         Do you prefer to follow a routine or do you like to do   My problem is I …
         something different every day?                         I’d always rather (verb) than (verb).

        Part 2 (long turn)
                                                                                 6TFGVM MBOHVBHF
         Part 2 lasts four minutes altogether.
         t  The examiner will give you and your partner each a set of three photos
                                                                                 $PNQBSJOH (See also Language
           to talk about in turn. You choose two of the photos and then speak    reference page 171)
           individually for a minute about them. You have to compare the two
           photos and answer two questions related to them. The examiner gives   Here / In this photo, I can see / someone
           you the instructions and asks the questions, which are also printed on the   is / there are …, whereas in this photo …
           page with the photos.                                                 On the other hand, this photo shows …
         t  After your partner has spoken for a minute, the examiner will ask you to   (JWJOH SFBTPOT FYQMBOBUJPOT
           give a brief response to a question about your partner’s pictures.    (See also Language reference page 170)

         You studied and practised Part 2 in Units 2, 5, 9 and 13.               The (main) reason for this is that …
                                                                                 I think / I’d say this is because …
                                                                                 This can be explained quite easily …
        )PX UP EP 1BSU
                                                                                 4QFDVMBUJOH (See also Language
            The photos will always have a common theme, so talk about the general   reference page 169)
           ideas they illustrate. Don’t describe them in detail.
                                                                                 This person looks as if she’s/he’s …
            You choose two of the three photos and then compare them with each
                                                                                 He seems to be …
           other. If you are not sure what they show, speculate.
                                                                                 Perhaps/Maybe they’re …
            It is important to answer the questions the examiner asks you. These are
                                                                                 They’re probably …
           printed on the same page as the photos.
                                                                                 He could be / might be …
            Whenever possible, give reasons or explanations for the answers you give.
            Speak for the whole minute. Don’t stop until the examiner says ‘Thank you’.
            While your partner is speaking, listen but don’t interrupt. The examiner
           will ask you a question about your partner’s photos at the end. You should
           answer this question in two or three sentences.

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