Page 194 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 194
        Writing reference

        Proposals and reports                      &YFSDJTF
                                                   Read the sample answer.
         In both proposals and reports, you are       Has the writer dealt with all parts of the task?
         expected to write in clearly organised       Find examples of where the writer has avoided repeating vocabulary
         sections and include factual information    from the exam task by rephrasing or using synonyms (e.g. make it easier
         leading to a suggestion, recommendation        facilitating). Why is this a good approach?
         or conclusion.                               Underline phrases used to introduce suggestions and recommendations,
                                                     e.g. I would suggest …
                                                    Proposal for integrating new students
         When you write a proposal you are trying   from other countries
         to persuade readers to follow a course of
         action. Your reader may be someone in      Introduction                                         Where possible,
         a superior position to you, in which case                                                       answer using your
                                                    The purpose of this proposal is to suggest ways of   own vocabulary,
         you will need quite a formal style; or you
                                                    facilitating overseas students’ integration into this   not the words
         may be writing for colleagues or fellow                                                         used in the exam
         members of a club, in which case the                                                            task. Planning
         style will be a little less formal – you can   Overseas students’ problems                      before you write
         address your readers more personally,      There are two diffi culties which newly arrived students   will help with this.
         using contracted verb forms. In both cases   have. Firstly, they are unfamiliar with the academic
         the format should be the same. You have    system in our country. Secondly, they often fi nd it
         to make a persuasive case for action(s)    diffi cult to integrate on a social level with other students
         that should be taken, based on factual     and the general population here.
                                                    Social activities
         You studied how to write a proposal in
                                                    Judging by recent fi gures, it is clear that social activities
         Units 5, 8 and 12.     
                                                    organised by the college are not well attended. It has
                                                    been noted that very few new students from other     Use the format
        &YFSDJTF                                    countries attend, especially in their fi rst year. This may   of a proposal, i.e.
        Read the writing task below.                be partly due to poor publicity, but, more seriously, it   a title, sections,
           Underline the things you must deal with in   may be because there are is not a wide enough variety   headings, an
                                                                                                         introduction and a
          your answer.                              of activities attractive to foreign students. I would   conclusion.
           Who is going to read the proposal? What   recommend asking new students themselves for their
          would be a suitable style?                ideas on the kinds of social activities they would enjoy
                                                    and I suggest we should invite these students to take
                                                    part in organising new activities.
         You are a member of the Students’
         Council at the college where you study.    Student advisers
         The principal of the college wants to      It would also be a good idea, in my opinion to instigate
         make it easier for fi rst year students    a new advisory system. This, more than anything,
         from other countries to fi t into college   would overcome students’ problems with both the
         life and has invited you to send in a
                                                    academic system and social aspects of their life at the
         proposal with practical suggestions. You                                                        Don’t spend
                                                    college. A more experienced adviser or mentor would
         have been asked specifi cally to consider                                                       a long time
                                                    be responsible for helping new students from other
         improving the range of social activities                                                        counting words,
                                                    countries to understand our system by giving them    but keep within
         on offer and appointing student advisers
                                                    guidance and advice, while also introducing them to   the word limit.
         to help new students.
                                                    other students and helping them to make friends.     If you write too
                                                                                                         little, you are
         Write your proposal.
                                                    Conclusion                                           probably missing
                                                                                                         important points.
                                                    I suggest that we ask for volunteers to help with all the   If you write too
                                                    areas mentioned above.                               much, you risk
                                                                                                         being irrelevant.

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