Page 192 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 192
        Writing reference

        &YFSDJTF                                                0UIFS VTFGVM MBOHVBHF

        Rewrite the second sentence using reference words or    *OUSPEVDJOH ZPVS PQJOJPOT
        synonyms to avoid repeating the words in CPME.
           When you engage in QIZTJDBM FYFSDJTF, you CVSO DBMPSJFT.   (Personally,) I believe/think/feel that …
          The more intense the QIZTJDBM FYFSDJTF, the more DBMPSJFT   From my point of view …
          you CVSO.                                             In my view / opinion …
           Do you need to SFMBY BGUFS B TUSFTTGVM EBZ BU XPSL? You   I would argue that …
          can SFMBY BGUFS B TUSFTTGVM EBZ BU XPSL by taking regular   As far as I am concerned, …
          exercise.                                             Interestingly, …
           &YFSDJTF can be GVO. &YFSDJTF gives you a chance to   Arguably, …
          unwind, by engaging in activities that you fi nd GVO.   *OUSPEVDJOH PUIFS QFPQMF T PQJOJPOT
           Find an BDUJWJUZ you enjoy, and just do it. If the BDUJWJUZ   It is often a good idea to show the reader how your own
          bores you, try something new.                         ideas contrast with the opinions of other people (e.g.
           Vigorous aerobic activity means ZPV SF CSFBUIJOH IBSE   Some people say the Internet has ruined our lives, but in
          BOE GBTU. If ZPV SF CSFBUIJOH IBSE BOE GBTU, you won’t be   my opinion, the Internet has transformed the world for the
          able to speak more than a few words.
        &YFSDJTF                                                Some people suggest/believe/claim that …
                                                                It is often/sometimes said/argued/suggested that …
        Find sets of three words or phrases from the box which have
                                                                It can be argued that …
        similar meanings.
                                                                According to many/some people …
        Example: aim – goal – objective                         It has been suggested that …

                                                                1PJOUJOH PVU UIBU TPNFUIJOH JT PCWJPVT
          accomplish achieve active aim attain encourage
          endurance energetic goal inadequate inspire           When you need to express an obvious point as part of an
          insufficient motivate objective scarce stamina         argument, it is often useful to show that you are aware that

                                                                you’re not saying anything unusual.
          staying power  strenuous
                                                                obviously   clearly   undoubtedly   of course
                                                                Without a doubt, …
                                                                Needless to say, …
        Consider how you could organise these ideas for a       It goes without saying that …
        paragraph about exercise time at work for the essay task
        in Exercise 1. Think about the ordering and linking of ideas
        and ways of avoiding repetition.
        t  I am not in favour of the idea of the governments
          requiring employers to provide exercse time at work.
        t  Employees would probably benefi t from having exercise
          time at work.
        t  Employers cannot be forced to provide time for exercise.
        t  Some people say that the government should require
          employers to provide exercise time at work.
        t  The idea sounds attractive.
        t  Workers must take responsibility for their own health and
          fi tness.
        t  The idea is impossible to implement.

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