Page 195 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 195                                                                                 Writing reference

        3FQPSUT                                        &YFSDJTF
                                                          Read the sample report. What things did the writer like and dislike
         When you write a report your reader may         about the programme?
         be, for example, your manager at work or a       Find examples of formal style in the sample report.
         teacher, in which case you will need a more
         formal style; or you may be writing for your   Pegasus educational exchange                   Give your report
         colleagues or members of your club, in which                                                  a title. Organise
         case the style will be a little less formal – you   programme                                 it in sections with
                                                                                                       section headings.
         can address them more personally, perhaps
         using contractions). In both cases the format   Introduction
         should be the same. You will have to give some
                                                        The purpose of this report is to outline my
         factual information and you are often asked to                                                Outline the
                                                        reasons for doing the exchange, the positive and
         make suggestions or recommendations. You                                                      purpose of the
                                                        negative aspects of the experience and to make
         must organise your report carefully and one                                                   report.
                                                        recommendations for improvements.
         way of doing this is to divide it into sections
         with headings.
                                                        Reasons for doing the exchange
         You studied how to write reports in Units 2, 4   I have been in New Zealand as part of the
         and 10.                                        Pegasus programme for the last nine months. I
                                                        participated in the exchange in order to do an
                                                                                                       Avoid just
                                                        MA in Environmental Science at the University of
        &YFSDJTF                                                                                       repeating the
                                                        Auckland. At the same time I had the opportunity   words used in the
           Read the task below. Underline the parts that
                                                        to improve my English.                         task.
          tell you what points you must cover in your
          report and who will read it.
                                                        Positive and negative aspects
           How formal should this report be?
           When you write about what you like and       For me, the benefi ts of doing this exchange
          dislike, do you think you should refer mainly to   far outweigh the disadvantages. The main
          educational matters, to personal experiences,   professional advantage is the opportunity to
          or to both?                                   exchange ideas with teachers and students      Use vocabulary
                                                        from another part of the world (I come from    and collocations
                                                                                                       appropriate to
                                                        Portugal) and with an entirely different outlook
          You have been studying in an English-                                                        formal writing.
          speaking country for some time as part of     on environmental problems. This has allowed me
          an educational exchange. The director of      to see such problems from a variety of angles. As
          the exchange programme is interested in       a result, I believe that I will return to my country
          improving the experience for future students.   with innovative solutions to local problems. In
          He has asked you to write a report outlining   addition, I have acquired improved language
          why you have been doing the exchange,         skills and increased cultural awareness.
          describing what you like and dislike about    The negative aspect from my point of view is   Explain the
          it and making recommendations for how it                                                     reasons for
          could be improved.                            that the programme does not receive enough     recommendations
                                                        fi nancial support and, as a result, it has been
          Write your report.                            very expensive for me. This is a problem which   you make and the
                                                        is likely to discourage prospective exchange   of problems you
                                                        students from participating in the programme.  mention.

                                                        I strongly recommend that the programme
                                                        organisers should make interest-free loans
                                                        available to people wishing to participate in
                                                        an exchange. This would allow considerable
                                                        numbers of talented students to benefi t from
                                                        something which they would otherwise be unable
                                                        to do.

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