Page 193 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 193                                                                                 Writing reference

        Reviews                                    &YFSDJTF
                                                   Read the sample answer below.
        A review will require some description        Does the writer cover all the points mentioned in the writing task?
        followed by a recommendation.                 How does the writer start the review?
        In a review, usually for an international      What adjectives does the writer use to describe
        magazine or newspaper, you are expected      t  UIF DMPUIFT
        to express your opinion about something      t  UIF TUBGG
        which readers may be thinking of seeing,      Does the writer use a formal or an informal style?
        doing or buying, e.g. a fi lm, a concert or      What do you notice about the layout?
        an exhibition. You can assume that the        Explain the writer’s recommendations in your own words.
        readers are people with similar interests
        to yours. You usually have to make a        Shopping in Linz
        recommendation about the thing you are      Buying clothes might not be the fi rst thing you think   Make your
        reviewing. Sometimes you will be asked to   of when visiting Linz, but there are some attractive   review sound
                                                                                                      as authentic as
        write about two things of the same type     boutiques in the old town and you can come        possible: address
        and to express your preference for one or   away looking fashionable and stylish. Here are my   the reader, give an
        them.                                                                                         introduction and
                                                    favourites.                                       mention the town.
        You studied how to write a review in Units   Melanie’s
        6 and 11.
                                                    Melanie’s sells clothes for women and while it is
                                                    a small shop, it has a wide range of styles. If you
        &YFSDJTF                                    want to look really fashionable, it’s certainly worth a   Think about the
                                                                                                      details the reader
        Read the writing task below.                visit. The shop has a selection of formal and casual   will want to know
           What things should you deal with in your   clothes from some of the world’s top designers, so   and include them.
          review?                                   they’re not cheap. However, you can occasionally
           Who will read it and what style would be   pick up a bargain. The staff are attentive and they’ll   You can use a
          suitable?                                 help you to combine clothes and accessories so that   little humour to
                                                    you’ll leave the shop looking like a million dollars,
                                                                                                      maintain your
                                                    even though it may cost you a fortune!            reader’s interest.
         You see the announcement below in an
         international magazine.                    The Parallel
                                                    If you don’t feel like spending so much, The
                 Where to buy clothes               Parallel is a good alternative. This shop belongs to
                                                    some local designers and sells their unique range
          Our readers are interested in
          clothes shops to visit when on            of clothes for women at competitive prices. The
          holiday or travelling. We invite you      clothes tend to be in distinctive bright colours, but   You can divide
          to write a review for visitors to         the quality is generally good, so the shop represents   the review into
          your town comparing two clothes           value for money. You’ll have to look after yourself as,   sections as here,
          shops. Please describe what sort of       apart from the security guard, the only staff you’ll   but it is not always
          clothes they sell, comment on the         fi nd are on the cash desk. While they’re polite and   necessary.
          quality of the service, the value for     friendly, they don’t have time to give much help.
          money and how fashionable they
          are, and give recommendations.            My recommendations
                                                    To sum up, for something really special, go to
         Write your review.                         Melanie’s, but be careful or your credit card will
                                                    suffer. For bright clothes at a reasonable price, The
                                                    Parallel is a better bet.

                                                   To summarise, …  All in all, …  To sum up, …  In summary, …

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