Page 191 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 191                                                                                 Writing reference

        &YFSDJTF                                                     When you write an essay you need to make sure that
        Read the sample answer below.                                the argument you are making is clear to the reader.
           Which method in the notes does the writer not address?    This means that paragraphs should follow on clearly
           Which of the two methods described does the writer        from each other and that sentences within paragraphs
          generally agree with?                                      should be linked in a logical, easy-to-follow sequence.
           Why doesn’t the writer agree with the other method?       Below are some of the ways you can help the reader
           What reasons does the writer give for disagreeing with    to follow your thinking. Examples  are from the sample
          one of the methods?                                        essay.
           Does the writer include any of the opinions included in
          the task description? If so, which?                        4FOUFODFT XIJDI HVJEF UIF SFBEFS

                                                                     Include sentences or phrases that act as signposts
         It is generally accepted that people today take             to guide the reader through your essay. These often
         insuffi cient exercise. This, combined with a
                                                    Write a short    come at the beginning of a paragraph.
         poor diet, can lead to ill health and a poor   fi rst paragraph
         quality of life. In view of this, it has been   introducing the   I shall consider two of the proposed methods.
         suggested that governments should act to   topic and your   Probably the most important action would be …
         encourage more exercise. I shall consider two   angle on it.  It has been suggested that …
         of the proposed methods.                                    In view of the above arguments, I believe …

         Probably the most important action                          -JOLJOH XPSET BOE QISBTFT
         governments could take would be to introduce

         an education programme into all schools. In   Discuss one   In addition to publicising the benefits of regular
         addition to publicising the benefi ts of exercise,   of the three   exercise, this would …
                                                    methods listed
         this would make exercise a compulsory part of               This seems excellent, but in practice I am doubtful.
                                                    in the notes in
         the school curriculum and get young people   the exam task.   It is based on the assumption that exercise costs
         used to following an exercise regime. In my   Give reasons for   money, whereas in fact walking and cycling are free.
         view, however, for this to be truly successful,   your opinion on   Therefore, in my opinion, providing expensive facilities
         there should be a corresponding programme   this.           is unnecessary.
         aimed at adults. If parents took part in an                 Governments should introduce education programmes
         exercise programme put on by the school, they               because …
         would be supporting what their children were
         being taught.                                               1SPOPVOT BOE PUIFS SFGFSFODF XPSET UP BWPJE
         It has been suggested that if exercise facilities
         were free, there would be an increased public   Discuss another   This, combined with a poor diet …
         take-up. In theory, this seems an excellent   of the methods,   In my view, for this to be truly successful, …
                                                    again giving
         way of encouraging adults to exercise, but
                                                    your opinion     If parents took part, they would be supporting what
         in practice I am doubtful. It is based on the   supported by   their children were being taught.
         assumption that exercise depends on money,   reasons.       It is based on the assumption that …
         whereas in fact walking and cycling, two very
                                                                     In view of the above arguments, …
         effective ways of keeping fi t, are free and can
         be fi tted conveniently into most people’s daily             -FYJDBM MJOLT
         routine. Therefore, in my opinion, providing
         expensive extra facilities is unnecessary and   Write a     Lexical links include synonyms, near synonyms and
         would be a misuse of public money.                          words from the same root.
                                                    summarising      governments should act – the most important action
         In view of the above arguments, I believe
                                                    your opinions.   governments could take
         governments should introduce education
         programmes aimed at people of all ages                      benefi ts of regular exercise – used to following an
         because this is the most cost-effective means               exercise regime
         of achieving the desired goal.                              get young people used to following – what their
                                                                     children were being taught
                                                                     a programme aimed at adults – If parents took part

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