Page 186 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 186
        Language reference

        BEKFDUJWF   OPVO                                        BEKFDUJWF OPVO    BEKFDUJWF   OPVO

         suffi x  adjective   noun         notes                  suffi x  adjective/ verb        notes
         -ance,  signifi cant   signifi cance   added to adjectives       noun
         -ence   convenient  convenience ending in -ant or -ent  -ify   clear      clarify      used to form verbs
         -ness   ready       readiness    added to adjectives                                   meaning ‘to cause to
                                          to form nouns which                                   become or to increase’
                                          refer to a quality or a   -ise,  general  generalise /  added to form verbs
                                          condition              -ize              generalize   meaning ‘to cause to
         -ity    diverse     diversity    notice that -able                                     become’
                 liable      liability    becomes -ability
                                                                WFSC   BEKFDUJWF
                                                                 suffi x  verb     adjective    notes
         suffi x     noun      adjective   notes                  -ed     bias     biased
         -y         fi lth     fi lthy      added to nouns         -ing    grip     gripping
                                          to form adjectives     -able,  sustain  sustainable  added to verbs to
                                          meaning ‘like the      -ible   neglect  negligible   form adjectives which
                                          stated thing’                                        mean ‘able to receive
         -ful       fruit     fruitful    having the stated                                    the action’ or ‘worth
                                          quality to a high                                    receiving the action’
                                          degree, or causing it  -ent    persist  persistent
         -ous       number    numerous                           -ive    exclude  exclusive    added to verbs to form
         -less      speech    speechless  used to add the                                      adjectives meaning
                                          meaning ‘without’                                    ‘showing the ability to
                                          used to add the
         -al        nutrition  nutritional                                 perform the activity’
                                          meaning ‘connected
                                          with’                 BEKFDUJWF   BEWFSC
         -ic        idealist  idealistic  used to form          Adverbs are almost always formed by adding -ly to the
         -ish       snob      snobbish    adjectives which say   adjective. However, if the adjective ends in -ic, change it to
                                          what a person, thing   an adverb by adding -ally. (Exception: public   publicly)
                                          or action is like
                                                                 suffi x     adjective         adverb
        OPVO   OPVO                                              -ly / -ally  immense         immensely
                                                                            heroic            heroically
         suffi x  noun     noun          notes
         -ism   material  materialism   used to form nouns
                                        which describe social,
                                        political or religious
                                        beliefs, studies or ways
                                        of behaving
         -ist   violin    violinist     used to form nouns
                therapy   therapist     which describe people
                                        with a particular
                                        expertise, set of beliefs
                                        or way of behaving
         -ship  sponsor   sponsorship   having the rank,
                                        position, skill or
                                        relationship of the
                                        stated type

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