Page 185 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 185                                                                               Language reference

         /PUF  Unlike but, however cannot be used to link two   t  over- can mean ‘(from) above’:
          contrasting clauses in the same sentence.               overview, oversee
        t  Nevertheless has the same function but is more formal. It     It can also mean ‘too much’ or ‘more than usual’:
          normally goes at the beginning of the sentence:         overworked, overspend
          This is an extremely diffi cult decision. Nevertheless, it is   t  under- can mean ‘below’:
          one that we have to make.                               underground, undermine
                                                                  It can also mean ‘not enough’:
        Word formation                                            underpaid, undervalue
        "EEJOH QSFm YFT                                         "EEJOH TVGm YFT

        1SFm YFT UP HJWF OFHBUJWF NFBOJOHT                      Verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs can be formed from
        Some words can be given a negative meaning by adding a   other related or base words by adding a suffi x to the end of
        prefi x (e.g. dis- + like = dislike) to the beginning of a word.   the word (e.g. appear + -ance = appearance). There are no
        Here are some common prefi xes which can be used to give   clear rules – each word and the words which can be formed
        a negative meaning:                                     from it must be learned individually.
        t  dis-: disrespect                                     Some of the most common suffi xes and their usual
        t  in-: inconvenience                                   meanings are listed below.
        t  un-: unconventional
                                                                WFSC   OPVO
        Before many (but not all) words beginning with:
                                                                 suffi x  verb       noun         notes
        t  l we add the prefi x il-: illiterate                   -ment   recruit    recruitment  used to form nouns
        t  N and p we add the prefi x im-: imperfect                                              which refer to an
        t  S we add the prefi x ir-: irrational
                                                                                                 action or process or
        1SFm YFT UP TBZ XIFO TPNFUIJOH IBQQFOT                                                   its result
        t  QSF  means ‘before a time or event’:                 accusation   added to verbs to
                                                                 -ation,  accuse
         premature (= happening or done too soon, especially     -ition,   defi ne   defi nition   form nouns showing
          before the natural or desired time)                    -tion,  distract   distraction  action or condition
        t  QPTU  means ‘after’ or ‘later than’:                  -sion   provide    provision
         postgraduate (= a student who has already obtained      -er,    rule       ruler        added to some verbs
          one degree and is studying at a university for a more   -or    supervise supervisor    to form nouns which
          advanced qualifi cation i.e. after graduating)                                          refer to people or
                                                                                                 things that do that
        t  pro- means ‘supporting or approving of something’ and
          with this meaning it is normally used with a hyphen:   -ance,  acquaint   acquaintance used to form nouns
          pro-European                                            -ence  interfere  interference  which refer to an
                                                                                                 action, a series of
        t  anti- means ‘opposed to’ or ‘against’ and is normally used                            actions, or a state
          with a hyphen:
          anti-social, anti-terrorist                            -ant    contest    contestant   used to refer to a
                                                                                                 person or thing
        0UIFS QSFm YFT BOE UIFJS NFBOJOHT                                                        performing or causing
        t  mis- usually means ‘wrongly’ or ‘badly’:                                              the action
          misbehave (= behave wrongly or badly)                  -al     arrive     arrival      used to add the
        t  re- usually means ‘again’ and is often added to verbs:                                meaning ‘the action
          redevelop (= to change an area of a town by replacing old                              of’ to a noun
          buildings, roads, etc. with new ones, i.e. to develop again)  -ee  train  trainee      refers to the person
        t  inter- means ‘between’ or ‘among’:                                                    to whom the action
          interactive (= involving communication between people)                                 of the verb is being

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