Page 184 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 184
        Language reference

        7FSCT GPMMPXFE CZ to JOm OJUJWF PS  ing                 t  try
                                                                  I’ve been trying to repair my computer all morning.
        A small number of verbs can be followed either by the     (= attempt something diffi cult)
        infi nitive or by the -ing form.                           Have you tried kicking it? (= do something which might
        8JUI OP EJGGFSFODF JO NFBOJOH                             solve a problem)
        begin, can’t bear, cease, commence, continue, hate, intend,
        like, love, propose, start:                             Ways of contrasting ideas
        I’ve just started to learn / learning to ski.
        He had intended to leave / leaving before midnight.     $POKVODUJPOT  but  whereas  while
                                                                although  (even) though
        /PUF  With the verbs like, love, hate there can be this slight
        difference in meaning:                                  t  But can contrast words, phrases and clauses, normally
        I like to clean my car every week. (The focus is on the result   within the same sentence:
        of the activity.)                                         The work was tiring but worthwhile.
        I like cleaning my car every week. (The focus is on the   The work was tiring but it produced worthwhile results.
        activity itself, i.e. I enjoy cleaning it.)               However, in informal writing it may be used to start a
                                                                  We were half dead by the end of the day! But at least the
        t  verbs expressing perception                            job turned out well.
          I saw the plane land. (= I saw the whole action.)
          I saw the plane landing. (= I saw part of the action.)  t  Whereas and while are used to contrast different, but not
                                                                  contradictory, ideas:
        t  forget                                                 He can eat anything he likes without putting on weight,
          I forgot to phone my brother. (= I didn’t phone him.)   whereas most people have to be more careful.
          I’ll never forget phoning my sister that night. (= I phoned   While I know she can be diffi cult at times, I’m very fond
          her and I recall it well.)                              of her.
                                                                  The while clause usually comes before the main clause.
        t  remember             
          Tom remembered to close the windows before he left.   t  Though / although / even though introduce an idea that
          (= He did something he had to do; he didn’t forget.)    contrasts with the one in the main clause:
          Tom remembered closing the windows before he left.      He failed his driving test although / even though he had
          (= He recalled doing it.)                               practised every day for the previous two weeks.
        t  go on                                                 Even though is more emphatic than though/although.
          She won her fi rst race when she was seven and went on to
          break the world record. (= Breaking the world record was   t  Even if is similar to even though, but adds a conditional
          something she did later.)                               meaning:
          He went on walking even though he was exhausted.        I’m going to New Zealand for my holiday next year even if
          (= He didn’t stop walking.)                             I have to save all year.

        t  mean                                                 1SFQPTJUJPOT  despite  in spite of
          I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. (= intend)       t  Despite and in spite of are prepositions and therefore
          If we want to catch the early train, it’ll mean getting up at   they are followed by a noun or an -ing form:
          5:00. (= involve)                                       The journey was very quick despite / in spite of the heavy
        t  regret                                                 traffi c.
          I regret to inform you that you have not passed the test.   Despite / In spite of feeling ill, / the fact that I felt ill, I
          (= I’m sorry about something unwelcome I’m about to     enjoyed the party.
          He now regrets taking the day off work. (= He wishes he   "EWFSCT  however  nevertheless
          hadn’t taken the day off work.)                       t  However is used to contrast a new sentence with the
                                                                  previous one(s). It normally goes at the beginning of the
        t  stop
                                                                  sentence, but may be placed within it or at the end:
          We’d better stop to look at the map. (= stop what we are
                                                                  This is one possible solution to the problem. However,
          doing in order to do something else)
                                                                  there are others. / There are others, however. / There are,
          There’s nothing you can do about it, so stop worrying.
                                                                  however, others.
          (= fi nish worrying)
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