Page 211 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 211                                                                                Answer key: Unit 3

                                                                  I love grilled chicken. (= meat from a chicken, UC)
           can be taught to improve their face recognition skills,
           but it’s still not known what prosopagnosia sufferers are   We get eggs from our own chickens. (= animals, C)
           missing when they recall a blur instead of a face.     Starvation and disease have killed thousands of
                                                                  refugees. (= illness in general, UC)
           This is not to say that prosopagnosia has no           Flu can be a serious disease. (= a specific illness, C)
           advantages. As one person with the condition writes
           on her website, ‘You can wake up in the morning and     Exercise is good for you. (= physical activity in
           pretend you don’t know your own kids. Then you don’t   general, UC)
           have to give them any pocket money.’                   I do stomach exercises every day. (=individual
                                                                  activities, C)
        6  1 perfectly illustrates  2 leaves  3 severely affected     Children usually develop speech in the second year of
          4 human evolution  5 private brain mechanism            life. (= the ability to speak, UC)
          6 face-blind volunteers  7 other objects  8 face        I gave a speech at my sister’s wedding. (= a talk, C)
          recognition skills

                                                                no, none, not
        Nouns which can be countable or
        uncountable                                             1  1 no  2 None  3 not, no

        1  1   sight: UC (= the general ability to see)         2  1 not no  2 no not  3 no any  4 correct  5 nothing
            memory: C (= something that is remembered)            anything (or I know nothing)  6 none no
          2   ability: C (= a certain thing that people can do)
            society: UC (= society as a whole, not a particular
            community)                                          Grammar
            culture: C (= a certain set of customs, beliefs and   The passive
                                                                1  Passive verbs are formed by using the appropriate
        2  Examples                                               tense of the verb be and adding the past participle of
          1   The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the most        the main verb.
            famous sights in the world. (C)
            After the accident he suffered loss of memory. (UC)  2  a were asked  b are handled  c has been shown, can
          2   My brother has great linguistic ability. (UC)       be taught
            Sociologists believe we can learn a lot from
            primitive societies. (C)                            3  1  b (‘by the brain’)
            You won’t find much culture in this sleepy little     2  a researchers  c researchers, psychologists
            town. (UC)                                            3   The identity of the researchers is not important
                                                                     or may not be known. The writer wants to focus
        3  Examples                                                  attention on the action rather than who did it.
          My favourite subject at school was art. (= art as a     4  in an essay, a scientific report, a job application
          subject, UC)
          I’m applying for a job at the local arts centre.      4  1   This YouTube clip has been watched by over a
          (= individual forms of art, e.g. painting, sculpture,      million people.
          music, etc., C)                                         2   The film was made over twenty years ago.
                                                                  3   At the time nothing like it had been seen.
          He has no interest in the world of business.
          (= the activity of buying and selling goods, UC)        4   Apparently, a new version of the film is being made
          I’d like to run an internet business. (= a single          at the moment.
          organisation or company, C)                             5   It is going to be released next year.

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