Page 215 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 215                                                                                Answer key: Unit 4

                                                                6  1  commute, workplace, motivation, feel valued, a
         ethical code. Co-operatives believe they should go about
         things in a different way from conventional companies and   good communicator, a reasonable workload, give
         this means that, for example, a financial co-operative like   praise
         the Co-operative Bank, won’t put money into a company        CD 1 Track 12
         whose activities it disapproves of, you know, a company
         involved in selling weapons to dodgy regimes or one     Examiner:  Daniel, many people dream of being able to
         which might be contributing to global warming by being a   work from home. What do you think are the advantages
         fossil fuel producer. That sort of thing.                 and disadvantages of working from home?
                                                                 Daniel:  Well, let me think, yes, I think I’d say that for
         All in all, the co-operative movement offers an alternative
                                                                   most people there are a number of positive features.
         to people who are disenchanted with conventional
                                                                   The most important one, perhaps, is that you don’t
         business models and a way forward for people who want
                                                                   waste time commuting, which can be quite stressful,
         to bring real change to the world. Thank you.
                                                                   especially if your train is late or you can’t find a parking
                                                                   space, and that you work in your own time and at your
        4  1 i  2 e  3 h  4 d  5 c  6 a  7 g  8 b  9 f
                                                                   own pace. Also, you don’t have to dress smartly to go
                                                                   to work, which for me would be a definite plus. On the
        Grammar                                                    down side it might be quite difficult to, how do you say
                                                                   it, to disconnect from your job, because your office is at
        Expressing possibility, probability and                    home, so you’re always checking your emails. Although
        certainty                                                  I think that’s a problem people have even if they work in
                                                                   an office – their email follows them everywhere.
        1  1 a  2 b  3 a                                         Examiner:  Laura, do you agree with Daniel?

                                                                 Laura:  Yes, although for people with small children, the
        3  1 probably likely  2 you bound you are bound
          3 most  more  4 posible possible  5 one of the           biggest advantage is that they can combine working
          possibly best possibly one of the best  6 the worst      life with family life. I mean they don’t have to give up
          trip I probably have probably the worst trip I have      work when they start a family.
          7 That may be the possible reason That may possibly    Examiner:  Laura, which do you think is more important in
          be the reason                                            a job: friendly colleagues or a good salary?
                                                                 Laura:  Oh, I think both are essential. Unless there’s a
        4  1 was bound to be  2 likelihood of Boris winning /      good atmosphere in the workplace, people soon lose
          that Boris will win  3 may/could/might well have         motivation or lose interest and this affects the quality of
          seen  4 must have forgotten to  5 is (quite/very)        their work. Also, employees need to feel valued and in
          likely to lose  6 there any chance of (you) helping /    the end this comes down to how much they are paid. If
          you could help                                           they’re not well paid for the job they do, they’ll feel that
                                                                   their work is not respected.
                                                                 Examiner:  And Daniel. What do you think?
        Speaking | Part 4                                        Daniel:  Well, I’m not sure, because I think for me the most

        3  a 3, 4  b 1, 2, 5, 6                                    important thing is to feel that you’re doing something
                                                                   useful, achieving something worthwhile in your job.
        5  Suggested answers                                       If people have that impression, then they’re not so
          1   a reasonable/heavy/light workload, a work            worried about their pay and they can get their social
            environment, a workplace                               life in their free time. I’d say it’s more important to be
          2   achieve a good work–life balance, commute, a         efficient than friendly.
            feeling of isolation, a work environment             Examiner:  Daniel, many people complain about their
          3  feel valued                                           managers. What qualities would you look for in a
          4  feel valued                                           perfect manager, and why?
          5  a job vacancy, recruit, take somebody on, a trainee  Daniel:  I think he or she has to be a good communicator,
          6   give praise, a good communicator, motivate/          who tells you what’s going on, and is also pleasant to
            motivation                                             work with. He or she should be someone who gives

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