Page 218 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 218
         Answer key: Unit 5

                                                                3  1   a I have a memory of doing this.
         Resident:  Well, there’s a river at the bottom of our garden
           – more of a sluggish stream most of the time, actually.   b Don’t forget to do it.
           Last weekend, with all the rain we’d had, it burst its     2   a  This was an experiment, to see what would
           banks. It was very quick once it started. I was frantically   happen.
           trying to stop it by digging ditches to take the water      b I attempted to do this but failed.
           away – but there was too much of it, and in the end I     3   a We saw part of the taking-off process.
           just gave up digging and got out as quickly as possible.  b We saw the entire landing process.
                                                                  4   a I wish I hadn’t said anything.
         Reporter:  And what’s the damage?
                                                                     b I’m sorry to tell you that …
         Resident:  Well, everything downstairs is ruined. We’ll     5   a It involves paying attention.
           need new furniture and carpets, and we’ll probably        b I didn’t intend to offend you.
           need to have the walls replastered. I keep thinking how
           disastrous it could have been. At one stage I imagined   4   1 to take taking   2 maintaining maintain / to
           seeing the whole building collapse.                     maintain  3 to sail sailing  4 to do doing  5 work
                                                                   working  6 going to go

                                                                Reading and Use of English | Part 4
        Idiomatic language
                                                                1  1 Yes  2 Yes  3 No – it doesn’t use the key word
        1  1   Flashbacks can be either pleasant or unpleasant;   (until) and it uses more than six words to complete
            they are often caused by traumatic events.            the sentence.  4 was not / wasn’t until we were
         2  a hard, boring and repetitive routine
         3   For example, if something happens really fast and   2  Answers to the clues are in brackets.
            the events aren’t clear.                              1   don’t / do not appeal to me (preposition: to)
         4   He thought he and his passengers were going to       2   he could protect / would be able to protect (a full
            die.                                                     clause, with subject and verb)
        2  1  hope for good luck                                  3   is against the law to drive (against the law)
          2  try hard to persuade me (but without force)          4   is generally considered (to be) (The sentence
          3   betray you or be disloyal to you when you are not      becomes passive.)
            expecting it                                          5   inland, the more primitive (the + comparative
         4  pretend not to notice something                          adjective/adverb, the + comparative adjective/
          5  joking/teasing                                          adverb)
                                                                  6   should avoid climbing (modal verb: should)
                                                                3  1 f   2 d  3 e  4 a  5 c  6 b

        Verbs followed by to + infinitive or the
        -ing form                                               Reading and Use of English | Part 7
                                                                2  1 C  2 D  3 F  4 A  5 G  6 B (Para E is not used.)
        1  1 to run  2 taking  3 thinking  4 to stop  5 digging

        2  Verb + to + infinitive: afford, agree, choose, expect,
          hope, offer, pretend, promise, refuse                 Speaking | Part 2
          Verb + -ing: admit, avoid, can’t help, deny, enjoy,   1  1 three  2 two  3 one minute  4 The other
          finish, involve, keep on, mind, put off, resent, risk,   candidate has to answer a question related to what
          suggest                                                 his/her partner was talking about.

                                                                4  1  photos 1 and 3
                                                                  2   The words and phrases express varying degrees of
                                                                     doubt or certainty.

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