Page 219 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 219                                                                          Answer key: Units 5 and 6

                                                                5  1 working, relaxing  2 looking, going, leaving
             CD 1 Track 14                                        3 writing, driving, coming  4 hesitating, choosing
         Examiner:  Here are your pictures. They show people      5 training
           doing dangerous jobs. I’d like you to compare two of
           the pictures and say what the dangers of the jobs might   6  1 charge charging  2 keep keeping  3 correct
           be and why people choose to do jobs like these.        4 hardwork hardworking; interested interesting;
         Lukas:  OK, well, in this photo there’s a fire fighter putting   for improve for improving / to improve; be offered
           out a fire and he’s almost certainly doing it to save   offered / being offered / that/which is offered
           lives and property. It’s a pretty dangerous job because   5 To bring By bringing  6 to leave leaving
           obviously he could die in a fire or get seriously burnt.
           And I suppose he’s doing it because someone’s got to   7  All the adjectives could be used except cautious,
           do it. It must be a worthwhile occupation – you know,   greedy, narrow-minded and self-interested.
           very rewarding when you save someone’s life. And in
           this photo there’s a diver – he could be a police diver   8  Suggested answers
           – he seems to be in a lake, or it could be a river. It’s   1 courageously / fearlessly  2 enthusiastically /
           probably quite dangerous because the water could be    tirelessly  3 exceptionally / extraordinarily
           deep or there might be strong currents. There could be   4 significantly  5 exceptionally / extraordinarily /
           glass or other dangerous things in the water. I suppose   remarkably  6 passionately  7 kindly  8 creatively
           police divers find their work quite exciting – I’m sure   9 enthusiastically
           it’s never boring and it’s very worthwhile – though
           they must never know what they’re going to find in the
           water. I don’t really know why people do jobs like these;  6 Picture yourself
           perhaps they’re people who get excitement from doing
           dangerous things.
                                                                Starting off

        5  Suggested answers                                    2  Suggested answers
          Skills and personal qualities: concentration, control,   Speaker A: 1  Speaker B: 5  Speaker C: 3
          courage, daring, fit, self-confident, stamina, steady
          nerves, strength                                            CD 1 Track 15

          How activities make people feel: adrenalin rush,       (These are invented monologues.)
          excitement, exhausted, exhilarated, proud,             A:   This portrait’s one which I started from a photo
          satisfaction, a sense of achievement, terrified, thrill   of myself actually, but after a time I came to the
                                                                    conclusion that photos aren’t that good when you’re
                                                                    trying to be creative. You know, I found myself sort
        Writing | Part 2                                            of imitating the photo and that wasn’t very satisfying.
        A proposal                                                  So I switched to drawing in front of a mirror instead.
                                                                    Anyway, I like this self-portrait because I think it reveals
        3  1   not well (‘not someone I know personally’)           a bit about me, like that I’m quite neat, for example,
          2   She rescued a lorry driver from his burning lorry.    perhaps a little unadventurous in the way I dress – not
          3   She could have driven home and left the               like most artists – but I think I’ve captured quite a
            ambulance to deal with the accident.                    sincere and thoughtful expression on my face. Also,
          4   She has shown that you don’t need special training    I think I look quite sort of approachable, not at all
            to help other people.                                   threatening, someone it’s nice to be around. At least I
          5   She should have an annual award named after           hope so.
                                                                 B:   You know, I’ve done quite a few portraits of friends
        4  a   1 in my opinion  2 mother  3 reached  4 suffered     and classmates and so on, normally from photos, and
            burns  5 driven home  6 emergency services              people are usually quite complimentary about them,
            7 make a difference  8 set up a fund  9 an annual       but you should have heard some of the things my
            prize                                                   friends said about this one! ‘We never see you
          b   Yes – including two reasons for choice of hero

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