Page 224 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 224
         Answer key: Unit 7

        Vocabulary and grammar review |                         7 Leisure and entertainment

        Unit 6
                                                                Listening | Part 4
        1  1 big  2 wide  3 large  4 deep  5 high  6 heavy
          7 big  8 high                                         1  1 disco  2 opera  3 rap  4 classical  5 pop  6 folk
                                                                  7 rock  8 jazz  9 Latin
        2  Suggested answers
          2   When a child feels unhappy, they will ask for their     CD 1 Track 19
            mother more often than for their father.             [music extracts]
          3   Gustav bought a large house by the sea about ten
            years ago, which / ago. This/It turned out to be a   4  1 D  2 H  3 E  4 A  5 B  6 H  7 G  8 A  9 C  10 E
            good investment.
          4   Leonardo lived in Canada as a child, which is /
            child. That’s why he speaks such fluent English.          CD 1 Track 20
          5   Svetlana spent several months trying to decide     Speaker 1
            which car to buy and she finally bought one last     I’ve been involved in traditional music for about 15 years,
            week.                                                in fact, ever since I was a kid. My father was very well
          6   Matthew likes reading novels, especially romantic   known around here as a singer of the old songs. He sang
            ones.                                                at family gatherings and played in a local dance band.
          7   Violeta bought some apples in the market. She      Before that, my grandfather was a genuine traditional
            put some (of them) in the fruit bowl and used the    singer who had a whole repertoire of family songs that
            others to make an apple pie.                         had been passed down from generation to generation.
          8   Narayan has had two jobs. Both were in a bank but   They were all neatly handwritten in a notebook. I’m proud
            unfortunately neither was well paid.                 to say I continue to sing some of the family songs – but
          9   There are five official languages in Spain and     not just in our village. I’ve travelled all over the world, and
            Manolo speaks all of them.
                                                                 played in front of audiences of thousands.
          10  Pete had never spoken to Ann, although he’d often   Speaker 2
            wanted to.                                           I used to think tango was something only people of my
                                                                 parents’ generation did, but then I went to a concert
        3  1  any difference between
         2  tended to be keener                                  by the Gotan Project in London, and I couldn’t believe
         3  does not / doesn’t look as if/though / like it       how exciting tango could be. For a start, the music was
         4  were passed over due/owing                           incredible. As well as the kind of instruments I was familiar
         5  what matters (the) most to                           with, you know, violins, guitars and piano, they used a
         6   not only talent but enthusiasm / enthusiasm but     bandoneon – that’s a sort large square-shaped accordion
            talent                                               – but they also used electronic music – samples and beats.
                                                                 The rhythm was so infectious that some of the audience
                                                                 got up and bopped about, whether they could tango or
                                                                 not. Since then, I’ve joined a class and learned some of
                                                                 the basic moves. It’s very exciting.
                                                                 Speaker 3
                                                                 I’d be completely lost without my iPod. So I say thanks to
                                                                 whoever came up with the idea. I have it with me nearly
                                                                 all the time, whether I’m commuting to work, exercising
                                                                 at the local gym, trying to drown out some noise or just
                                                                 chilling. I’ve got over seven thousand songs on mine –
                                                                 most of them downloads from the Internet – some whole
                                                                 albums but mostly individual tracks. I listen mainly to rock
                                                                 music, but I quite like jazz and I even play classical stuff if
                                                                 I’m stressed – Mozart and other classical composers can
                                                                 be very relaxing if you’re sitting on a crowded train or
                                                                 waiting at the dentist’s or whatever.

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