Page 223 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 223                                                                                Answer key: Unit 6

        2  Suggested answers                                     Anna:  I think you’re probably right perhaps for older
          1   Although the pair A speakers don’t follow the        children, although I’d strongly suggest reading in class
            instructions immediately, they have a much more        as a great way to get kids into reading at a younger
            in-depth, meaningful discussion of a few of the        age as long as they have the right sort of teacher to
            options and are therefore dealing with the task        encourage them.
            better. The pair B speakers tend to flit from option
            to option with little to say.                        Ivan:  Yes, with young children it does come down to the
          2   Pair A could get started on the task right away –    quality of the teacher, doesn’t it? That’s perhaps where
            two minutes is not a lot. Pair B should look at        I missed out.
            each option they choose to discuss in more depth,    Examiner:  Thank you.
            without necessarily trying to cover them all.
                                                                Writing | Part 2
        3  1   I do read some (books) because they give me
            pleasure.                                           A review
          2   For me, reading in class was the high point of the
            week.                                               1  Suggested underlining
          3   It (reading in class) is what made me determined    international magazine / recommend novels to read
            to study literature.                                  / reviews of novels / particularly enjoyed / describes
          4   I found it (reading in class) rather tedious.       the novel / what you liked / why you recommend it
          5   I had a teacher who was able to communicate her
            enthusiasm.                                         2  Suggested answers: c, d, e, f
          6   I often felt I was just reading out of obligation.
          7   Kids get more involved if they can interact.      3  Suggested answers
          8   Children often get distracted, especially when      Para 2: the characters, their motivation and
            they’re using one of those tablets.                   development
          9   If they haven’t picked up a reading habit by the    Para 3: what I like: descriptions of rural life,
                                                                  suspense; recommendation: dialogue, detail, love
            time they’re teenagers, it’s too late.
          10  It (reading) becomes just another chore.            contrasting with horror
                                                                4  1 self-sufficient  2 thoughtful  3 vivid  4 hazardous
        5  2   Yes. You need to support your opinion and also
            involve your partner.                                 5 unlike  6 desperate  7 observant  8 sheltered
          3   No. You’ll find it hard to keep going for the whole   9 well-off  10 tough  11 harsh  12 remote
          4   Yes. This builds up the discussion.
          5   Yes. This builds up the discussion.               Vocabulary and grammar review |
          6   No. This is not a way of having a constructive    Unit 5
            discussion. You don’t need to reach agreement in
            the minute, but you should be reasonable.           1  1 C  2 A  3 B  4 D  5 B  6 B  7 A

        6  They use strategies 2 and 5.                         2  1  looking forward to starting
                                                                 2   were (very/extremely) lucky to avoid / to have
             CD 1 Track 18                                           avoided
         Examiner:  Now you have about a minute to decide which    3  regret making / having made
           experience you think would be the most successful in    4  can’t afford to buy
           encouraging young people to read more.                 5  denies (ever) seeing / having seen
                                                                 6  we checked out that we settled
         Ivan:  Well, I think for me seeing a film of the book would
           be the most effective because I can think of two or   3  1 to climb  2 to leave  3 to be rescued  4 waiting
           three books I’ve read as a result of going to the cinema,   5 phoning  6 to put out  7 realising  8 putting
           so it might well get young people into the habit. Do you   9 to take  10 getting  11 snowing / to snow
           agree?                                                 12 climbing  13 to admit  14 to phone  15 to ask
                                                                  16 contact  17 regretting  18 to ignore

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