Page 241 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 241                                                                         Answer key: Units 11 and 12

        Writing | Part 2                                        12 The living world

        A review
        1  Suggested underlining: local people / hotels / help   Starting off
          visitors to choose / review recommends two hotels in   1  1   A and F
          your area / two different types of visitor / what sort     2   Suggested answers
          of visitor / why                                           A  green energy / alternative sources of energy /

                                                                       greenhouse gases
        3  Plans A and B are both fine but other ways of             B  animal conservation / protection of endangered
          organising the review (C) are also possible. The             species
          important thing is that the plans cover all the task       C effects of pollution on human health
                                                                     D pollution / greenhouse gases / global warming
                                                                     E energy conservation
        4  Plan C                                                    F climate change / global warming
          Para 1:  Introduction: why business travellers don’t     3  A and B
                 like the same hotels as tourists
          Para 2:  Rooms and prices in hotel 1 – suits low-
                 budget tourists
          Para 3:  Other features of hotel 1 – some positive and   Listening | Part 2
                 negative points                                1  1  F You have to complete eight sentences.
          Para 4:  Features of hotel 2 – suits business travellers   2   F No more than three words will be missing from
          Para 5: Brief rounding off                                 each sentence.
                                                                 3  T
        5  1 However  2 Equally  3 though  4 as  5 both          4   F You should read the gapped sentences before
          6 An added attraction is that  7 As  8 together with       you listen.
          9 not only                                             5   F Write what you think you hear, even if you are
                                                                     not sure. (Your answer may be correct. If left
        6  1   compact, moderately-priced, elegant, moderately-      blank, it will always be wrong.)
          2   clean, airy, quite basic, luxurious, spacious, well-  3  Resources for food: aquatic mammals such as seals,
            equipped                                              walruses, and whales
          3   friendly, helpful, competent, professional          Other resources: stone (for houses), wood, animal
                                                                  skins, snow
        7  1   b (There is a lot of information, but it uses
            contractions and addresses the reader as ‘you’.)          CD 2 Track 17
          2   using contractions and addressing the reader as    Presenter:  The Inuit, or Eskimo people, live in the
            ‘you’                                                  Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Siberia, Greenland
                                                                   and Canada. Altogether there are more than 100,000
                                                                   Inuit, most of whom live near the sea, hunting aquatic
                                                                   mammals such as seals, walruses and whales. European
                                                                   whalers, who arrived in the latter part of the nineteenth
                                                                   century, had a great impact on the Inuit. They brought
                                                                   their religion but they also brought their infectious
                                                                   diseases, diseases to which the Inuit had no immunity
                                                                   and which, as a direct consequence of this, reduced the
                                                                   population in some areas.

                                                                   In the past, the Inuit had several different forms of
                                                                   traditional housing. In Greenland, they often lived in

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