Page 28 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 28
        Mastering languages

        Speaking | 1BSU                                         2  In the Speaking test you will get higher marks if you
                                                                  use a range of appropriate vocabulary. Decide which
                                                                  of these phrases you could use with each photo.
        Exam information
                                                                  (Some can be used with more than one photo.)
         In Speaking Part 2 you are each given three photos and
         are asked to choose two of the photos to speak about.    argue a case  boost morale  defend a client
         You must speak on your own for one minute. You have to   decide on / discuss / explain tactics  encourage the team
         t   compare the two photos you have chosen               give a demonstration  influence the outcome
         t   answer two questions connected with the photos,      persuade the judge/jury  reach a verdict
           which are printed on the task sheet.
                                                                  take people through the steps
         When the other candidate is speaking, you need to listen
         and then answer a brief question about the photos.
         This part tests your ability to speak at length, organise   3    07 Listen to Ivan doing the Speaking task.
         your ideas, compare, describe, express opinions and         Which phrases from Exercise 2 does he use?
         speculate about things connected with the photos.           When he compares the photos, does he just point out
                                                                     differences or does he also mention similarities?
        1  Look at the photos and read the examiner’s                Does he answer both of the examiner’s questions?
          instructions. What are the three parts to the task?
                                                                4  Complete each of these sentences about the photos.
                                                                  You can use your own ideas or Ivan’s ideas.
             In this part of the test I’m going to give each of      The coach looks as if …
             you three pictures. I’d like you to talk about two      They give the impression that … judging by …
             of them on your own for about a minute, and also        The lawyer seems …
             to answer a question briefly about your partner’s        She appears …
             pictures. Here are your pictures. They show             The coach wants … while the barrister wants …
             people explaining things. I’d like you to compare       In both photos I imagine …
             two of the pictures and say what the speakers
             might be explaining and what problems the
             speakers might have.                                    2

             t  What might the speakers be explaining?
             t  What problems might the speakers have?



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