Page 30 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 30
        Mastering languages

        Grammar                                                 3       Exam candidates often make mistakes with

        &YQSFTTJOH QVSQPTF  SFBTPO BOE SFTVMU                     words and phrases to express reason, purpose and
                                                                  result. Circle the correct alternative in italics in each
        1  Match the beginnings of these sentences (1–8) with     of the following sentences.
          their endings (a–h).                                       My Italian is excellent because / due to I lived in Italy
             I thought I should pick the language up while I was     for four years.
            there, TP                                                By / For technical reasons, the flight was delayed for
             It might be better to set up a simulation of the job in   several hours.
            question TP BT UP                                        Over the last decade, our lives have changed a lot
             The candidate often lacks the sort of cultural          because of / by computers.
            background that would stand them in good stead in        Could you please send us a brochure so as / so that
            these situations, XJUI UIF SFTVMU UIBU                   we can see exactly what you are offering?
             They used to give us dictations in class UP             I hope the organisation’s efficiency will improve
             I always write new vocabulary down in my notebook JO    for not to / in order not to waste people’s time and
            DBTF                                                     money.
             Pavla is studying languages at university XJUI UIF
            JOUFOUJPO PG
             We found the lecturer difficult to hear EVF UP      Writing | 1BSU
             You’ll need to use a microphone, PUIFSXJTF
                                                                " SFQPSU
          B  eventually working as an interpreter.
          C  I forget it.                                        Exam information
          D  I immersed myself in the life of the local community.  t   In Writing Part 2 you do one writing task from a choice
          E  the people at the back won’t hear you.                 of three.
          F  the poor acoustics in the hall.                     t   The possible tasks are an email/letter, a proposal, a
          G  their responses take the interviewer by surprise.      report or a review.
          H  see whether the candidate has the skills and attitude   t   You must write between 220 and 260 words.
            they’re looking for.
          I  make sure we knew things like putting a double ‘p’ in
            ‘approve’.                                          1  Read the following writing task and answer the
                                                                  questions below.
        2  Answer the following questions.
             Which of the CPME words/phrases in Exercise 1 express  An international media company is investigating
           B a purpose?                                            the influence that television programmes imported
            b a reason?                                            from English-speaking countries have on different
            c a result?                                            countries around the world. You have been asked to
             Which of the words/phrases are followed by            write a report on English-language TV programmes
           B an infinitive?                                         in your country. In your report you should address the
            b a noun / verb + -ing?                                following:
            c a clause?                                            t  how popular these programmes are and why
                                                                   t  the effect they are having on local culture
             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Expressing purpose, reason
           and result                                              t  any changes you would recommend.
                                                                   Write your SFQPSU.

                                                                     Who is expected to read this report?
                                                                     Should you use a formal or informal style?
                                                                     What are the four main points you should deal with?
                                                                     In what order would you deal with them?

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