Page 59 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 59                                                                                         Unit 5

        Reading and Use of English | 1BSU                            Our surroundings became more primitive as we
                                                                     travelled further inland.
        1  Work in pairs. Look at this sample task for Reading      5)&
          and Use of English Part 4 and discuss the questions.      The further we travelled              our
                                                                     surroundings became.
            We only felt safe when we were on dry land again.
          6/5*-                                                     Clue: What comparative structure includes the word
            It was only after we had finally got on dry land again that we felt   ‘the’ twice?
          safe.                                                      It is advisable not to climb mountains after a heavy
             Does the completed second sentence have a similar       snowfall.
            meaning to the first sentence?                          "70*%
             Is it grammatically correct?                           You                               mountains after a
             Would this answer be correct in the exam?               heavy snowfall.
             If not, what should the answer be?                     Clue: Which modal verb is normally used for advice?
        2  Read these sentences and discuss the clues under
          each one. (You do not have clues in the exam.) Then
          complete the second sentence with between three
          and six words, including the word given.

                                                                 Exam advice
                                                                    Use the word in CAPITALS without changing it.
                                                                 t   Count the words you have used to complete the
                                                                    gapped sentence. Contractions (isn’t, don’t, etc.) count
             I have absolutely no interest whatever in adventure    as two words.
            holidays.                                            t   Check that the words you have added are
            "11&"-                                                  grammatically correct in the gapped sentence.
            Adventure holidays                             in    t   Finally, read both sentences again to check that they
            the least.                                              have the same meaning.
            Clue: What preposition do you need after the verb
                                                                3  Some questions in Part 4 test your knowledge of
             They had offered him a .38 gun for his own protection.  idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs, such as
           1305&$5                                                those in italics below. Match the expressions in 1–6
            They had offered him a .38 gun so that                with the meanings a–f.
                                                                     After the meal we settled up and left.
            Clue: What kind of structure follows ‘so that’?
                                                                     It’s a wonder that you got here at all.
             Driving a car without insurance is illegal.             Keep an eye on the weather.
           -"8                                                       I’m tied up until this afternoon.
            It                             a car without             Thank goodness, she’s on the mend.
            insurance.                                               He’s always trying to pick a fight.
            Clue: Which phrase using ‘law’ means ‘illegal’?
                                                                  B  very busy             d surprising
             People generally think of tennis as a safe sport.    C  start an argument     e watch carefully
           $0/4*%&3&%                                             D  get better            G  pay what you owe
            Tennis                              a safe sport.
            Clue: How does starting with ‘Tennis’ affect the    4  Write sentences of your own using the six
            grammar of the second sentence?                       expressions in Exercise 3.

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