Page 60 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 60
        Dramatic events

        Reading and use of English | 1BSU

        Exam information
         In Reading and Use of English Part 7, you read a text of
         650–800 words from which six paragraphs have been
         removed and placed after the text. You have to decide
         which paragraph fi ts in each gap. There is one extra
         paragraph which does not fi t into any of the gaps.
         This part tests your ability to understand the structure of
         a text, how an argument develops and how ideas link to
         one another.

        1  Discuss these questions with a partner.

             Tell each other about an interesting unspoiled area
            you have visited. It could be a forest, a desert, a
            mountainous region or a wild coastal area. How did
            being in this area make you feel?
             Do you enjoy visiting wild, natural areas like this? Why
             Are there areas like these you would like to visit in the   A WALK IN THE WOODS
                                                                  Woods are not like other spaces. Their trees surround
        2  Read the exam task. Then follow the sequence of        you, press in from all sides. Woods choke off  views,
          activities below to complete the task.
                                                                  and leave you without bearings. They make you feel
                                                                  small, confused and vulnerable, like a child lost in a
          You are going to read an extract from a book by Bill    crowd. Standing in a desert, you know you are in a big
          Bryson. Six paragraphs have been removed from the       space. Standing in a wood, you only sense it. They are a
          text. Choose from paragraphs A–G the one which fi ts     vast, featureless nowhere. And they are alive.
          each gap (1–6). There is one extra paragraph which
          you do not need to use.                                   1

          t  Read the main part of the text quickly to build up a   Though you tell yourself it’s preposterous, you can’t
            picture in your mind of what is happening.            quite shake off  the feeling that you are being watched.
          t  Underline any reference words or phrases in the text   You order yourself to be calm – it’s just a wood, but
            which you think may refer to either the previous or   you are feeling jumpy. Every sudden noise makes you
            the following missing paragraph. These may include    spin in alarm. Whatever mechanism within you is
            pronouns, time expressions, conjunctions and other    responsible for adrenalin, it has never been so prepared

            linking phrases.                                      to pump out the warm adrenal fluid. Even asleep, you
          t  Read the missing paragraphs and look for subject     are a coiled spring.
            matter and language links.
          t  Match any gaps and missing paragraphs that you are
            sure of fi rst.
                                                                  But tougher men were sobered by this strange menace.
        3  Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.      Daniel Boone, who wrestled bears, described corners
          Give reasons for your answers.                          of the southern Appalachians as ‘so wild that it is
                                                                  impossible to behold them without terror’. When
             If a friend suggested a walk in the woods, how would
            you respond?                                          Daniel Boone is uneasy, you know it’s time to watch
             If you went for a walk in a wood or forest, would you   your step.
            prefer to go alone or with a friend?

             How would you feel if you had to spend the night in a
            wood or forest?

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