Page 55 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 55

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 4

        Vocabulary                                              2  Complete each of the sentences with an adjective
                                                                   from the box. In some cases more than one answer
        1  For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide       is possible.
          which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

                                                                   constant excellent extensive fi erce  huge
                                                                   powerful specialist vast
          The importance of  internships
          Recent research indicates that graduates (1)                Malik’s positive attitude and
          to some of the UK’s leading employers (2)     a            experience make him the best person for the job.
          much better chance of being (3)      a job if they          Almodóvar’s fi lm has made a(n)
          have already had some work experience with the             impact on audiences throughout the country.
          same organisation – either through internships,             This is a highly stressful job and we’re under
          industrial placements or vacation work. In fact                           pressure to meet our targets.
          three quarters of graduate vacancies are (4)                The Paradise Hotel has a(n)            reputation
          to be snapped up by graduates who already had              in this town.
          some work experience with the same employer. This           I want to join the football team but there’s extremely
          latest research (5)     that taking part in work                          competition for places.
          placements or internships whilst at university is now       The               increase in house prices has
          just as important as getting a good degree.                made it very diffi cult for young people to buy a fi rst
          A separate study warns that almost six in ten               Ivan’s             knowledge of the market is

          students finish university without a graduate job,         invaluable to our operations.
          highlighting the (6)      competition for graduate          We need someone with                language
          jobs. It is not (7)    that employers are going to         skills to work as part of our expert team.
          be interested in your previous work experience and
          while this does not have to have been a glamorous
          internship with an investment bank, using your time   Grammar and vocabulary
          at university to gain work experience is going to have   3  Circle the correct alternative in italics in each of
          a major (8)       on your future job prospects.
                                                                   these sentences.
                                                                      It’s by far the best fi lm of the festival so far. I think it
                                                                     must / could easily win fi rst prize.
             " asking    B applying    C joining    D recruiting
                                                                      The weather forecast isn’t too good so the outing
             " stand    B give    C hold    D take                   might not / could not take place tomorrow.
                                                                      Jay had a sprained ankle so he mightn’t have / couldn’t
             " provided    B contracted    C found    D offered
                                                                     have run very far!
             " liable    B probable    C prone    D likely            It’s just about probable / possible that the train has

             " agrees    B declares    C confi rms    D yields        been delayed.
                                                                      We’re highly / strongly likely to see Fran at the concert
             " fi rm    B heavy    C intense    D impressive          tonight.
             " astonishing    B surprising    C amazing               You’re looking exhausted! You mustn’t / can’t have had
             D shocking                                              a very relaxing holiday.
                                                                      Why don’t you call Marcos? He’s bound / liable to have
             " result    B consequence    C repercussion             the information you need.
             D impact

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