Page 50 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 50
        Just the job!

        3       The sentences below all contain mistakes        Speaking | 1BSU
          made by exam candidates. Find and correct the
          mistakes.                                              Exam information
             By reaching an advanced level of English, I am more   In Speaking Part 4, the examiner
            probably to succeed in business.                     t   asks both candidates questions to fi nd out their
             If you come here for your holiday in July, you bound to   opinions on general topics related to Part 3. You may
            enjoy it.                                               both be asked the same question, or each asked
             If you also watch television and fi lms, then you’re most   different questions.
            likely to learn the language faster than if you just go to   t   may also ask you to react to ideas and opinions which
            class.                                                  the other candidate expresses, so it is important to
             I’ve studied the three posible options to try to solve   listen carefully to what he/she says.
            the problem.
                                                                 This part tests your ability to express and justify opinions,
             I’d like to recommend Grey’s Academy as one of the
                                                                 agree and disagree.
            possibly best schools in Barnsley.
             This was the worst trip I probably have ever
            experienced.                                        1  Work in pairs. Before working on Speaking Part 4,

             That may be the possible reason why you’re having    follow the examiner’s instructions for the first part of
            such problems.                                        this Speaking Part 3 task.
        4  For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so
          that it has a similar meaning to the fi rst sentence,       Now, I’d like you to talk about something
          using the word given. Do not change the word                together for about two minutes. Here are some
          given. You must use between three and six words,            things that companies can do to make their
          including the word given.                                   employees’ working lives more pleasant. Talk to
             Madeleine felt sure that she would be offered the job.   each other about how effective these things might
                                                                      be in making employees’ lives more pleasant.
            Madeleine felt she
            offered the job.
             Boris is unlikely to win the prize.                   A staff social     How effective      Free transport to
            -*,&-*)00%                                                club             might these        and from work
            There is little                           the prize.
                                                                                        things be
             There’s a good chance that Takesi has seen your                            in making
            message.                                                                   employees’
           8&--                                                                       working lives
            Takesi                              your message.                        more pleasant?
             I’m sure you didn’t remember to post the letter.    An inexpensive                             Flexible
           .645                                                  staff restaurant                        working hours
            You                               post the letter.
                                                                                     A sports centre
             If you arrive late, the teacher may well get angry with                    and gym
            The teacher                              his temper
            with you if you arrive late.
             Do you think you might be able to help me with the
            Is                              me with the essay?

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