Page 53 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 53                                                                                         Unit 4

        5  Read the report again and choose the more formal
          alternatives from the options 1–16 in italics.         Exam information and advice
                                                                 Writing a report tests your ability to organise and
        6  Work in pairs. Writing Part 2 often asks students to   express information and to make recommendations or
          persuade the reader about something.                   suggestions.
             Why is using a suitable style essential to persuading   When writing a report
            the reader?                                          t   you should give it a title
             Which arguments in the sample report are used to    t   you can divide it into sections and give each
            persuade the manager?
                                                                    section a heading (the first and last sections could
        7  Read this writing task and underline the key points      be Introduction and Conclusion or Conclusion and
          you must deal with.                                       recommendations)
                                                                 t   if required by the task, make suggestions and
          You have been working in an international hotel chain     recommendations
          for a month as part of a work experience programme.    t   make sure that you answer all parts of the task
          The training manager has asked you to write a report in   t   match your style to the situation and the target
          which you                                                 reader(s).
          t  describe the tasks and activities you participated in
          t  explain any problems with the programme                 QBHF     8SJUJOH SFGFSFODF  Reports
          t  make recommendations for two improvements for
            future programmes.
          Write your SFQPSU. Write between 220 and 260 words.

        8  Work in pairs.
             Think of a number of tasks and activities you
            participated in.    
             Decide what problems you want to mention and think
            of two improvements for future programmes.
             Discuss how you can persuade the training manager
            to implement them. (For example, will they make the
            programme more effective? Will they attract better
            trainees? Will they save money?)
        9  Read the sample report again and underline words
          and phrases which you think might be useful when
          you write your own report. Compare ideas with a

       1 0  Write a plan for your report. Then in small groups,
          compare your plans.

       1 1  Now write your report.

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