Page 52 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 52
        Just the job!

        Writing ] 1BSU                                          3  Work alone and write a brief plan for your report,
                                                                  including sections and section headings (see pages
        " SFQPSU                                                  26–27). When you have finished, compare plans with

                                                                  a partner.
        1  Read the exam task below and underline the key
          points. Then answer these questions.                  4  Read the sample report below, without paying
             Why does the organisation want to improve your work   attention to the options in italics for the moment.
            environment?                                          Compare the contents of the report with your plan.
             Who will read the report?
                                                                  Report on workplace improvements
          The international organisation where you work has a
          sum of money available for making improvements to       Introduction
          the work environment in your offi ce to make it more     The aim of this report is to  sum up / outline  the
          productive. You have been asked to write a report for   defi ciencies in / what’s wrong with our present offi ce
          your manager in which you                               environment and the suggestions which have been made
                                                                  for improvements, and to  make recommendations / give
          t  outline the problems with your work environment      ideas for two changes.
          t  summarise the improvements you and your
            colleagues suggested                                  The offi ce environment
          t  recommend two changes.                               At present, the offi ce suffers from  a number of / lots of
          Write your SFQPSU. Write between 220 and 260 words.     problems. Firstly, the air-conditioning system is
                                                                  5 antiquated / worn out and therefore noisy. This causes
                                                                  headaches and occasionally makes it diffi cult to  talk on
        2  Work in pairs.                                         the phone / hold telephone conversations. Also, the open
             Brainstorm and note down a list of problems (e.g.    offi ce plan makes it diffi cult for people to  get on with /
            noisy air-conditioning system) and their effects (e.g.   concentrate on their work as they are frequently  put off /
            headaches).                                           distracted by conversations in other parts of the offi ce.
             Decide which problems you want to mention in your    Finally, many of the offi ce chairs are uncomfortable and
            report (you need to limit the number of ideas so that   employees who spend  lots of time / long hours in front of
            you can deal with the whole task within the word limit).   their computers often complain of backache.
            Then think of improvements to deal with them.
                                                                  Staff suggestions
             You need to persuade your manager to implement                 10
            your ideas. Discuss what you can say to explain how the   Staff were  consulted / asked and they made the
                                                                  following suggestions: fi rst, the air-conditioning should
            improvements will make your offi ce more productive.
             Decide which two changes you will recommend and      be replaced by a more modern, quieter system which
                                                                  provides cool air in the summer and heating in the
            the reasons for recommending them.
                                                                  winter. It was felt that this would  reduce / cut down on
                                                                  tiredness and improve morale, which would enable staff
                                                                  to work more productively. To deal with distractions from
                                                                  conversations there were two suggestions: either dividing
                                                                  the offi ce with screens round each work station, or having
                                                                  separate meeting rooms for  necessary work discussions /
                                                                  the chats people need at work. Staff also requested more
                                                                  ergonomic offi ce chairs.

                                                                  13 As a fi rst measure, I would recommend / The fi rst thing
                                                                  I’d recommend is replacing the air conditioning and the
                                                                  offi ce chairs. These two changes will  have a direct effect
                                                                  on productivity / increase the amount of work people do
                                                                  by reducing  absence due to sick leave / time off because
                                                                  people are ill and  giving staff the chance / enabling staff
                                                                  to work more effi ciently and more comfortably.

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