Page 49 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 49                                                                                         Unit 4

                                                                5  Work in small groups.
                                                                  t  Would you be interested in working for a co-operative?
                                                                     Why (not)?
                                                                  t  Jessica mentioned two types of business she thinks are
                                                                     unethical. Do you agree with her?

                                                                &YQSFTTJOH QPTTJCJMJUZ  QSPCBCJMJUZ BOE

                                                                1  Read the underlined phrases in these pairs of
                                                                  sentences. Which sentence in each pair expresses a
                                                                  stronger possibility?
        3     11 Listen and for questions 1–8, complete the
          sentences in Exercise 2.                                   B  If you’ve had no joy applying for positions this way, it
                                                                       may well be more productive to start hunting for less
        Exam advice                                                    visible vacancies instead.
                                                                   C  If you’ve had no joy applying for positions this way,
         Before you listen, look at the gaps to check                  it may be more productive to start hunting for less
         t   what type of information you need                         visible vacancies instead.
         t   what types of word will fit the gaps.
                                                                     B  If you’re answering ads for junior jobs in media,
         Then, when you listen                                         applying blind is unlikely to reap rewards.
         t   write words you actually hear                         C  If you’re answering ads for junior jobs in media,
         t   make  sure you spell them correctly.                      applying blind is highly unlikely to reap rewards.
                                                                     B  In the long run you might easily conclude that the
        4  Match phrases 1–9 from the recording with their             most treasured aspect of your university experience
          definitions a–i. If necessary, listen to the recording       wasn’t your academic education or any careers
          again.                                                       advice, but rather the friends you made.

             make a go of something                                C  In the long run you might conclude that the most
             set up                                                    treasured aspect of your university experience
             go a step further                                         wasn’t your academic education or any careers
             be around                                                 advice, but rather the friends you made.
             share out                                               QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Expressing possibility,
             have a say (in something)                              probability and certainty
             set something apart
             go about things                                    2  What do you think you will be doing in five years’
             put money into something                             time? Write five sentences about yourself, using the
                                                                  phrases underlined from Exercise 1.
          B  be involved in making a decision about something
          C  begin to do something or deal with something        Example
          D  divide food, money, goods, etc. and give part of it to     n five years’ time I may well be working for an international company.
            someone else
          E  exist                                                When you have finished, compare and discuss your
          F  formally establish a new company, organisation,      sentences in pairs. Give reasons for your statements.
            system, way of working, etc.
          G  invest in something
          H  show something to be different from, and usually
            better than, other things of the same type
          I  take an extra action which adds to a situation
          J  make something succeed, usually by working hard

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