Page 51 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 51                                                                                         Unit 4

        2  Now follow the examiner’s instruction for the second   5  In which answers to questions 1–6 could you use
          part of the Part 3 task.                                these words/phrases?

                                                                  achieve a good work–life balance  commute
             Now you have about a minute to decide which          feel valued  give praise  a good communicator
             two things would benefi t staff most.                 a feeling of isolation  a job vacancy  motivate/motivation
                                                                  a reasonable/heavy/light workload  recruit
        3  Work in pairs. Look at these Part 4 questions and      take somebody on  a trainee  a work environment
          decide which of them you should answer by               a workplace
          B  expressing just one point of view and a reason /
            reasons for it                                      6     12 Listen to Daniel and Laura answering three of
          C  giving a number of different ideas and perhaps reasons   the questions.
            for them.
                                                                     Which words/phrases from Exercise 5 did they use?
             The world we live in is changing faster than ever
                                                                     Which answers do you agree with?
            before. How do you think our working lives will be
            different in the future?                            7  Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
             Many people dream of being able to work from            Daniel and Laura suggest several different ideas to
            home. What do you think are the advantages and           answer each question.
            disadvantages of working from home?                      They give general answers to the questions.
             Some people believe that people should continue         They occasionally mention their personal situation but
            working as long as they can, while other people believe   don’t answer the question entirely with that.
            that everyone should retire at 60 or 65. What is your      They answer the question but also add other ideas
            view?                                                    which are not relevant.
             Which do you think is more important in a job: friendly      When they agree with their partner, they add extra
            colleagues or a good salary?                             ideas.
             How can young people get the experience they need       When they disagree with their partner, they explain
            to be given a good job?                                  why.
             Many people complain about their managers. What
            qualities would you look for in a perfect manager, and   8  Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer
            why?                                                  questions 1–6 in Exercise 3.
        4  Work in pairs. Discuss and make brief notes on how        QBHF     4QFBLJOH SFGFSFODF  Speaking Part 4
          you could answer questions 1–6.

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