Page 125 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2018
P. 125
30 Years
Serving Southern Oregon
he mystery is solved. the 1,200 square foot structure.
Cardoza carefully cobbled
TFor decades, people in the together hundreds of mostly
Klamath Basin have driven small hand-cut stones, opalized
by a strange, wonderfully unique wood and several varieties of
stone building and wondered obsidian, most found within a
when, why and how it was built, 150-mile radius. Walls, shelves,
what it looked like inside. They two back-to-back fireplaces and
wondered whether the story even floors are formed from 19 88 2018
19 88
of what came to be known as rocks, wood and mortar.
the Rock House would ever be
known. There's no doubt who did the
work. Inside one room, large
Wonder no more. The questions, gold letters on the wall declare,
at least most of them, have been "Built in 1941 J.S. Cardoza."
"That man must have been so
In 2016, two people curious to busy it's no wonder he didn't Locals Call It “The BELLA”
learn more about the Rock House marry," says Miles. Cardoza’s This year we “Bellabrate” 30 years of serving friends and visitors to
located the building's owner and neighbors passed along stories of Southern Oregon. The Bella is where Jacksonville hangs out to
enjoy live music, eat great food and have fun.
then went several steps further. Cardoza spending hours cutting
After much needed upgrades stones and wood into small slices,
to plumbing and electricity, some the size and shape of Coke
and several coats of fresh paint, bottle bottoms. Restaurant & Saloon
the business opened in January 541 899 -1770 170 West California St. Jacksonville, OR
2017 as Rock House Brews, Little is known about Cardoza.
a coffeehouse and restaurant. Klamath County Museum
Since then, people lured by the Director Todd Kepple says
chance to finally peek inside are research indicates he was born
making return visits to not only December 8, 1884 in Portugal,
savor the atmosphere, but to although he reportedly told
devour freshly prepared pastries, friends he was born in Brazil.
pies, soups, scones, quiche, Old newspapers provide some
sandwiches, juices and, of course, clues. A 1944 photo of an
varieties of freshly brewed coffee. automobile accident shows, The Place to eat in the Applegate
It is become a meeting place for in the background, "Johnny's
several groups, along with high Cottages," the name also used in
teas, antique fairs, and birthday a 1955 special section that lists
parties. Johnny's as offering cottages,
sleeping rooms and furnished
"Our goal is to keep things really apartments at weekly rates.
personal," explains Betty Miles of
the atmosphere inside the one-of- After Cardoza's death in June
a-kind building. She barely pauses 1961 at age 76, Kepple says
before her sister, Earleen Lusby, newspapers and county tax
adds, "We want it to feel like records indicate the business went
home," with Miles explaining, through several name changes,
"A place you can come and enjoy including House of Rocks Motel,
yourself and relax with friends." 4-5-6 Motel and, in 1965, the
Rockwood Motel. When it closed
In the months that Miles and is uncertain, but people who've
Lusby have been brewing up tasty lived in Klamath Falls for the FAMILY FRIENDLY | CASUAL ATMOSPHERE
treats in their unique setting, past half-century had never been MADE FROM SCRATCH | FULL BAR • 12 BEERS ON TAP
they've also learned about and inside—until last year. SERVING APPLEGATE VALLEY WINES
gained an appreciation for John Fri & Sat: 11am - 9:00-ish | Tues - Thur: 11am - 8:30-ish | Sun: 10am - 8:00-ish
S. Cardoza, the man who built Miles had been among the 100 MURPHY CREEK RD., GRANTS PASS, OREGON | 541-862-9111
spring 2018 | 123