Page 127 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2018
P. 127
curious. She had viewed the build- "All the sweat, blood and tears.
ing from the outside for decades Cardoza had a vision to be able
while working for the Klamath to create this," Miles says, her
County School District as a para- arms sweeping around the walls,
professional and librarian and, floors and fireplaces checkered
later, while owning an antique/ with complex patterns of stones Every Sense is Delighted
collectible shop. Those items and rocks. "I love this Johnny guy.
have found a home inside Rock You feel him in this building."
House Brews, and so has Lusby. Referring to a 1956 photo that
After her husband died, she sold was used with Cardoza’s obituary,
her cowboy bar in Arizona and Lusby says, "The picture kind of
moved to Klamath Falls, "So I put it together. You can see him
could be closer to family." sitting here."
Looking to open a coffeehouse, Along with the food and selection
they were immediately attracted of coffee, Rock and Arrowhead
to the Rock House. "The Club members are dazzled by the
uniqueness of the building. I'd building's craftsmanship. During
always wanted to come in and a recent museum-sponsored
see it. I knew this was 'it' the first program, club spokesman
time we came in," says Miles. Marshall Curran talked with
"We said," echoes Lusby, "this is admiration about the varieties of
what we want." wood and rock used—yadonite, a
type of opalite found in Klamath
Thanks to members of the Rock Falls, along with thundereggs,
and Arrowhead Society, one of amethyst and nodules, which are
several groups that routinely small, irregular lumps of minerals
gathers at the Rock House, and with warty surfaces.
Kepple, who located a photo of
Cardoza, the sisters have gained "He was really creative. He went
an appreciation of the building's to a tremendous amount of work
creator and his work. and gathered some amazing
rock specimens," says Curran.
He especially admires carefully
sculpted inlays that combine
wood found near present-day
Bly and multiple varieties of
obsidian, some probably from
Glass Mountain, some from
Davis Creek.
Lusby and Miles enjoy the
building's and Cardoza's history,
which adds its own special flavor
to their ever-changing daily
menu. Whether it's the coffee
or the building's still being Every Bite is Perfection
uncovered history, there's always
something brewing at the Rock
House Brews. LUNCH 11:30am - 2:00pm (MON. - FRI.)
DINNER 5:00 - 9:00pm (MON. - THUR.)
DINNER 5:00 - 9:30pm (FRI AND SAT.)
DINNER 5:00 - 8:30pm (SUN.)
Rock House Brews
2005 Biehn St, Klamath Falls
541-887-2988 970 N. PHOENIX ROAD, MEDFORD, OR WWW.TIGERROLL.COM • 541-608-7545
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