Page 50 - LVGL Winter 2021 FLIPBOOK_Neat
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        Quaint. Historic. Scenic. Straight-forward. And a joy to play.   individual character. I strive to provide solid, traditionally
        Those are just a few ways to describe this course, which was   oriented designs that preserve and enhance natural envi-
        created in 1973 as nine holes by architect David Rainville   ronmental features, build upon the essential character of
        and World Golf Hall of Famer Billy Casper, then later   the terrain where possible, and demonstrate variety within
        expanded to 18 holes.                                  a round of golf. This is where a design sets itself apart from
                                                               other courses with its own unique qualities.”
        “I think at the time it was really great that the city manager
        and the people in Boulder City and on the council wanted to   The course is also a major part of the Boulder City commu-
        bring golf to the area,” Rainville says. “That's to be admired   nity and many grew up playing the course or have spent
        that they would make the effort to do that. I know the money   much of their adult lives enjoying early mornings or late
        was tight and the land wasn’t ideal, but I was happy with the   afternoons on BC’s fairways and greens. “It was a labor
        end result. It is nice to hear that the course has become such   of love and everybody was there,” longtime Boulder City
        an important part of the fabric of the community.”     employee and local historian Denny Hayes remembers
                                                               about when the course was built. “Even some people that
        Longtime resident Andy Schaper oversees both Boulder   didn’t like golf were down there picking the rocks and leve-
        City and the adjacent, and more modern, Boulder Creek   ling things out. Everybody was just really looking forward
        Golf Club, and appreciates the original layout, one of the   to having a golf course in Boulder City. I think what really
        few remaining classic oasis-style courses within 50 miles.   made it special was the fact that when it was first built, it
        “Boulder City Golf Course has an old-school charm and is   stayed true to the clean green, Boulder City mission and
        a fun, classic, parkland design with lots of grass and trees   motto. All of the parks in Boulder City—Wilbur Square and
        throughout, plus challenging putting surfaces,” he says.   all those parks—were always kept and maintained beau-
        “Lots of mature trees provide natural shade throughout the   tifully green. So, when this course was built, their whole
        course, especially in the hot summer months.”          premise was, ‘let's keep this green 365 days per year like we

        The trees also provide intrigue and a defense to the holes   do all the parks.’ I think everybody appreciated that and all
        that lack modern length. But don’t let the scorecard yardage   of the people that built homes around it were impressed.”
        fool you. Many a golfer has stepped to the first tee thinking   There’s a certain feeling one gets when teeing it up in
        Boulder City was a pushover, only to exit the 18th mutter-  Boulder City and Schaper agrees. “Playing golf in Boulder
        ing under their breath about why their score wasn’t several   City is a perfect getaway and a chance to take a drive down
        shots better.                                          memory lane,” says Schaper. “We want people to remem-

        Rainville is a San Diego native and learned the golf course   ber us in Boulder City and come out and play golf here if
        design process from his father. Rainville has designed   they haven’t in a while. We hear from people all of the time
        more than 50 golf courses in the Western United States and   about the memories they have at Boulder City, and then
        Asia, and he and Casper also redesigned the 36 holes of   there are so many new memories and stories being created
        Torrey Pines, where the PGA Tour annually plays and the   at Boulder Creek.”
        U.S. Open has been played (including in 2008 when Tiger
        Woods won in dramatic fashion).

        But he continues to have a soft spot for little ole Boulder   Boulder City Golf Course
        City muni. “My philosophy is that I always wanted to stand   1 Clubhouse Dr, Boulder City, NV
                                                               702-293-9236  |
        on the tee and have a visual impact of what the hole looks
        like and how it's going to play,” says Rainville, a member
        of the American Society of Golf Course Architects. “Golf
        should  be  an  enjoyable  and  gratifying  experience.  The
        design for which it is intended should provide an opportu-
        nity for the golfer to achieve that experience. It's important
        for the designer to recognize and fully utilize each site's

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