Page 56 - LVGL Winter 2021 FLIPBOOK_Neat
P. 56


        “I believe total rounds played at golf courses in Las Vegas   time to take up a new hobby. A great success story is with
        for the past few months would break records over previous   all of the coaches at Boulder City High School. We started
        years,” said Eric Dutt, Reflection Bay’s general manager   a skins game on Fridays with football, golf, volleyball and
        and a Nevada Golf Alliance board member. “We have had   baseball coaches. It started as once a week after school got
        to quickly reinvent ourselves, but a positive has been a   out. Instead of going to the ‘Friday Night Lights’, we played
        renewed interest by people who maybe hadn’t played golf   golf. It then led into the coaches playing again on Sunday
        for several years or new players, who have gravitated to golf   with their wives.”
        because it is outdoors and is something positive to do when
        so many other things are or were shut down.”           Ayeesha McKeany, director of marketing at the Las Vegas
                                                               Paiute Golf Resort, has also witnessed the resurgence and
        The actual statistics more than back up Dutt’s assumptions.   believes people are using golf as an outlet to get out of the
        In October, total rounds played were up by 32.2 percent   house, which has also become the office. “Golf has been
        year over year nationally and in Nevada, rounds were up by   seen as one of the safer activities during these difficult
        7.6 percent during what is usually the busiest month of the   times because it is outdoors and you have the ability to dis-
        year. Since June, the numbers have been just as staggering.  tance yourself from others,” said McKeany. “I have seen the
                                                               resurgence of the game of golf just like Tiger's effect that he
        Nationally, June was up by 14 percent, followed by increases   had when he came out on Tour. People are excited about the
        of approximately 20 percent in July, 21 percent in August   game, and with a lot more people working from home and
        and 26 percent in September. In 2019, golfers in the United   needing an outlet to get out, it's been a great alternative.”
        States played about 440 million rounds and expectations
        by the National Golf Foundation are that about 480 million   While the increased local play has been off the charts at
        will be played in 2020.                                both private and public courses, the main area of concern
                                                               for course operators moving forward is when the valuable
        The numbers were just as impressive in Las Vegas. In   visitor demographic will return, which includes recrea-
        September, rounds were up 19.6 percent and August saw a   tional golfers and corporate tournaments. Many out-of-town
        jump of 22.2 percent. That was after major leaps in June and   businesses host events at area courses and that market seg-
        July as well.                                          ment has completely evaporated for both golf courses and

        And within those numbers are not only avid golfers who   Las Vegas hotels. High-end courses have taken the brunt
        played prior to the pandemic, but local industry experts and   of this negative impact, and without the higher-rate resort
        professionals are seeing an influx of new players and those   customers, achieving a consistent, positive bottom line will
        who had stopped playing for various reasons.           be more challenging.

        “I feel that the increase in rounds is about time,” said Andy   “I believe that the pandemic has affected golf courses in
        Schaper, who oversees both Boulder Creek Golf Club and   different ways depending on where you are located,” said
        Boulder City Golf Course and who also coaches golf at   Keith Flatt, owner of Elite Golf, a management company
        Boulder City High. “People are experiencing more free time   with courses in Nevada, California, Utah and Texas. “For
        than they have ever had, and that has allowed them to pick   example, in Las Vegas the pandemic has hurt our golf
        up an old hobby (or new hobby) that they have been wanting   courses from a revenue side because we rely a lot on tour-
        to do for a while. I think dads, moms, grandpas, grand-  ism. Yes, our golf courses are busy, but we are getting local
        mas, uncles, and aunts are usually chasing kids to sporting   rates  and  local  rates  are  not  enough  to  cover  all  of  our
        events or dance recitals on Saturdays and Sundays. They   expenses. I would say, on average, courses rely on about
        spent the first few months of the pandemic knocking off   17/21 percent of the revenue from non-residents of Nevada.
        chores around the house, but now they are playing golf on   So, when you take out that revenue and replace it with local
        the weekends. We have also experienced an increase in new   revenue, that’s a big deficit to make up. But in the state of
        golfers, especially at Boulder City Golf Course. I have spo-  Texas where the golf courses are not reliant on non-resident
        ken to at least 10 couples in the last month who said it was   high-dollar green fees revenues and play are up substan-
        their first time on a golf course. Again, they finally have the   tially. I would say the properties are probably up 20 percent
                                                               in play and revenue.”

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