Page 58 - LVGL Winter 2021 FLIPBOOK_Neat
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        Southern Highlands Golf Course

        However, even with this negative of limited resort and   the uptick in interest, manufacturers of all things golf have
        corporate play comes some positivity. For at least the last   been reaping the rewards. According to a Golf Datatech
        decade, if not longer, the Las Vegas golf industry was los-  report, U.S. golf equipment sales reached $388.63 million in
        ing resort customers to popular swimming pool day clubs   July, the greatest single-month retail sales ever recorded.
        and other resort amenities, but that appears to be changing   The research firm first started tracking data in 1997; the
        as many people are adjusting their habits when it comes to   last time sales were even in the same ballpark was in June
        crowded activities, whether they take place indoors or out-  2007 ($368.1 million) and June 2006 ($364 million), during
        doors. “I now see golf starting to be used as the carrot by   Tiger Woods’ pinnacle in the mid-2000s.
        hotels to entice customers to return to Las Vegas,” Southern
        Highlands  general  manager  and  Nevada  Golf  Alliance   So, what does the future hold? Like most things in this
        board member Jason Cheney said. “They are saying to cus-  day and age: uncertainty. “It is hard to tell what the future
        tomers, ‘we're going to get you out here to play golf on a   holds, but I hope that we have gained a number of new golf-
        beautiful golf course in a more healthy, outdoor environ-  ers who continue once the Las Vegas economy gets going
        ment’. They are using golf as a main amenity as opposed to   again,” Schaper said. “I feel that we will probably go back
        previously when they could use onsite amenities such as a   to pre-pandemic numbers when people go back to work.
        day club or casino.”                                   People have lost a lot and need to get back earning the
                                                               money necessary to pay their bills. With my example of the
        While corporate groups haven’t returned, there have been   coaches, we all will go back to coaching soon and it will be
        some signs that leisure resort play is beginning to come   tough to have the time to play. I hope that with the down
        back. But the true gauge of what is in store for the future   time people have fallen in love with golf and find a way to
        probably won’t come until spring or even Fall 2021, as one   play once we find our new normal.”
        local expert predicted.
                                                               Flatt agreed that there is really no true prediction for the
        Golf retail has also seen an upswing (pun intended). With   future. “No one in the golf industry knows what golf is

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