Page 26 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine Spring 2020
P. 26
SNGA Numbers Prove Success
It was a banner 2019 for the Southern Nevada Golf tournaments days where 2,645 total golfers participated in
Association and the numbers prove it. An all-time high gross and net championships for varying ages and genders.
in membership, thousands of total golfers participating In all, 30 golf courses were used, and a total of $252,334
in tournaments, and hundreds of thousands in economic was spent at the facilities. Plus, an additional $70,000 in
impact at more than 30 Las Vegas-area golf courses. And, Southern Nevada golf community support was driven by
2020 looks to be even better. the SNGA. And more—the SNGA held eight USGA qual-
ifiers, 15 official
“Wow is really all rules seminars,
we can say about and 62 volunteers
2019,” says Ann worked tirelessly to
Sunstrum, SNGA make golf better in
executive direc- Southern Nevada
tor. “We are so in 2019.
thankful to the
entire golf commu- The numbers
nity for helping to don’t reveal the
support this won- SNGA’s work
derful game. The with the Nevada
course owners, Golf Alliance,
general managers, the Southern
PGA of America Nevada Junior
professionals, golf Golf Association,
course superinten- the Nevada State
dents, staff, our Golf Association
volunteers, and all and the Las Vegas
of our allied asso- Golf Hall of Fame,
ciations; they all among others. Plus,
mean so much to the roll out of the
our success and new golf rules in
it is because of 2019 and the new
them that we are GHIN and World
successful.” Handicap systems
in 2020.
The SNGA ended
with 11,406 mem-
bers and held 68