Page 30 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Magazine Spring 2020
P. 30


        Spring Gardening Tips
        From Green with Envie

        Time for Spring Cleaning! Whether you are simply cleaning up, giving your yard
        a new do, or installing new landscape, spring is the ideal time for this. And always
        remember, if your landscape contractor tells you that your landscape is no main-
        tenance, please note there is no such thing!
                                                               branch size is less than 10 centimeters. If a branch exceeds 10 centimeters, do so
         First things first, check your irrigation and ensure your timer clock is set for the   if you really have a good reason, but remember it might interfere with the growth
        proper time and days ( Also, make sure your irrigation is work-  of the whole tree. It is advisable to trim a tree during the spring and summer sea-
        ing properly and there are no leaks. Check all emitters to ensure they are not   son when little growth is taking place. Only prune weak and preferably v-shaped
        clogged, and the water is flowing. If you have a fertigation system, it too should   branches and retain u-shaped strong branches, which are depended upon by the
        be looked over and filled with fresh fertilizer.
                                                               entire tree for balance and photosynthesis.
        Next is everyone’s favorite—weeds—well maybe not everyone’s. It is tedious, but   Follow this trimming technique: Identify branch collar located at the bottom base
        oh so necessary and when done you will most definitely be surprised at the trans-  of the stem. Cut down, outside and away from both the branch bark ridge so as
        formation that occurs. Hand pull or carefully spray a glyphosate product such   not to interfere with the branch collar. Do so for both dead and living branches.
        as Roundup on any weeds that have emerged. If you would like to use a natural   If you’re looking for a new design please contact us. Together we have over 30
        non-selective weed control, then try using a vinegar or citrus oil-based product.
                                                               years experience in Las Vegas and we specialize in theme designs.
        Spring is also the optimum time for pruning. Pruning should only be done if the


        Radical Pan                                            Byrna HD

        The Radical Pan solves common cooking struggles with a radical new   What makes Byrna HD such a
        design. The lip of the sauté pan has an extended height on one side form-  great self-defense product? The
        ing a backboard that makes it easy to flip food with a spatula against   Byrna HD is not  a firearm,
        it, or you can shake the pan and flip the food around with the ease of a   but a powerful non-le-
        professional chef. It can be used to cook anything from a rustic pie to   thal device. Byrna HD
        vegetables on the grill, omelets, and more. The pan’s patented design and   is CO2-powered, mean-
        nonstick surface reduce the need for added fats to prevent sticking, and   ing it doesn’t require any
        the nonstick coating has been tested safe by the FDA, SGS, and NSF. The   licensing to own.  It delivers
        pan is also oven and dishwasher safe, but usually it can just be wiped   a powerful combination of pepper
        clean with a damp cloth.                               spray and tear gas up to 60 feet away by
                                                               firing chemical irritant rounds that burst and
        To purchase, visit
        Also available at Amazon.                              disable the threat on impact, without taking a life. The highly potent com-
                                                               bination of active chemical irritants found in many pepper sprays and
                                                               military-grade tear gas act immediately, incapacitating the target. This
                                                               means, families can have their Bryna HD stored safely, and within arm’s
                                                               reach, should a situation require it. It instantly disarms the intruder. It
                                                               does NOT cause any causalities or serious harm. It also provides the gift
                                                               of time, allowing the homeowner to call 911 and authorities to arrive on
                                                               the scene.

                                                               Byrna HD Ready Kits are available in 7-colors and come in a protective,
                                                               zippered carrying case with everything you need to get started.

                                                               •  So small you will be amazed
                                                               •  Elegantly designed
                                                               •  No experience required
                                                               •  No permits or background checks
                                                               •  No waiting periods
                                                               •  60-foot range

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