Page 64 - GPS 2021_FLIP BOOK_Neat
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Where to Dine

                                                                at Desert Willow Golf Resort

                       DESERT WILLOW GOLF RESORT                      38-995 Desert Willow Dr., Palm Desert
                                                                      760-346-0015  |

          esert Willow Golf Resort in Palm Desert   Mandarin  chicken  breast  salad  and  field  greens,   The twilight menu, or after lunch menu, provides
      Doffers world-class golf, but when it’s time   tossed with a cilantro lime vinaigrette, served with   light fare and beverages, perfect for your 19th hole .
      to eat, you have options . Great dining options .   date nut bread . Or maybe you’re in the mood for   It’s offered generally October through May, weather
      The  Terrace  at  Desert  Willow  Golf  Resort   a hamburger. Try the Firecliff Burger, a half-pound   depending, 3:00 p .m . through close . Stop by the
      offers a full menu breakfast and lunch, and a   burger with roasted red peppers, pepper jack   Vista Bar or Lobby Bar. Cook’s Grill is a seasonal
                                            cheese and chipotle sauce on a brioche bun . Artisan
                                                                                 venue, with a full bar and a limited food menu with
      twilight menu every day, as does the outdoor   sandwiches, wraps and fish tacos are among your   entrees, snacks and snacks .
      Vista Bar. Reservations are required for parties   other  choices.  Beverages  include  lemonade,  soft
      of six or more .                      drinks, coffee and tea. Breakfast and lunch offer a   Something always seems to be going on at Desert
                                            kids menu, something to please younger tastes, so   Willow on Thursdays, from Dining under the Stars to
      Start your day with standard breakfast fare cooked   bring them along .    Cigar Night, to Wine Dinners with five courses and
      to perfection--omelets, huevos rancheros, French                           five  fine  wine  pairings.  Reservations  are  required,
      toast, or try the Gravlox and Bagel—house-cured   And of course you’ll want some dessert . Fork into   and check the website for dates and details .  The
      salmon with capers, diced tomatoes, onions and   a serving of Orange and Date Panna Cota, a slice   Dining under the Stars series, the only event open to
      cream cheese, served with a toasted bagel. Coffee,   of Dulce de Leche Cake or enjoy an assortment of   the public, features a buffet, wine pairing, and live
      juices and milk are available to accompany your   the chef’s delicious homemade cookies . Enjoy your   music . Reservations are required . Sit back, relax, and
      meal .                                sweet treat with coffee, a specialty coffee drink, tea   enjoy pleasant music and great food .
                                            or hot cocoa .
      At lunch, select a starter, then a salad . Perhaps
      the  Papaya  Mandarin—a  half  papaya  filled  with

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