Page 67 - GPS 2021_FLIP BOOK_Neat
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PINZIMINI AT THE WESTIN MISSION HILLS                                71333 Dinah Shore Dr., Rancho Mirage  DINING
       GOLF RESORT & SPA                                                    760-770-2150  |

         inzimini, the restaurant at  The  Westin  breakfast or a full table .  You may end up  Next to the lobby, the Fireside Lounge is open
      PMission Hills Golf Resort & Spa provides  skipping lunch after you enjoy the build-your-  on weekends for drinks with live entertainment
      guests with a modern, energetic atmosphere .  own-omelet bar, French toast, eggs, breakfast  in the evenings .  Their menu features small
      Once seated with the menu before you, you’ll  meats, and their famous house-made bread  plates, perfect for a late afternoon pick-me-
      be hungry even if you didn’t already realize  pudding. Weekdays offer plated breakfasts—  up, or to enjoy while visiting with friends .
      it.  Lunch  offers  antipasti,  soup  and  salad  omelets, scrambles, pancakes,  powerhouse  Additional casual dining options include
      options, thin-crust pizza, grilled Italian-style  grain dishes, and more . The options feature  Coffee-ology,  the  resort’s  all  day  café  with
      sandwiches, meat and pasta dishes .   distinctive ingredients, prepared with unique  your  favorite  Starbuck’s  brew,  pastries  and
                                            twists. Coffee, juice, champagne, bottomless  carry out selections . Chef’s Secret  Window
      If you’re feeling exceptionally hungry, try  mimosas are available .       offers  healthy  and  savory  options  for  to-go
      the  Wagyu  Beef  Tomahawk  Steak  (38  oz.)                               meals that can be enjoyed poolside, on the
      with your choice of three sides: Marsala  As you decide what to order, you can learn  patio, or even at the turn on your golf game .
      Mushrooms  with  Shallots,  Roasted  Brussel  some Italian from the menu section headings .  Should you choose to relax in your room, a
      Sprouts  with  Bacon,  Weiser  Roasted  But don’t worry, there won’t be a quiz, and it’s  varied in-room dining menu is available .
      Fingerling Potato with Cipollini Onions,  easy to know what’s being offered. An option
      Garden Risotto . For those with less vigorous  for  early  dining  is  the  Early  Bird  Dinner  As you savor each bite, know  that your
      appetites, you may choose a starter (Tuscan-  Menu, limited in selections, but not in dining  food was prepared by the best. James Beard
      style small plates), soup, salad, then feast on  delight .  At happy hour, and any hour, the  Honored Executive Chef Joel Delmond began
      main dishes featuring beef, chicken, lamb,  Pinzimini bar serves up handcrafted signature  his culinary studies in his native France .
      fish, seafood and pasta. In the cooler months,  cocktails,  local  craft  brews,  wine  flights,  He has worked and studied in Switzerland,
      pizza is prepared in the brick oven situated  Bellinis,  refreshing  Italian  cream  sodas  and  Holland,  Egypt, Greece, Morocco,  and the
      in the middle of the restaurant . On Saturday  all your favorite well drinks . Whenever you  United States .
      or Sunday, start your day with a continental  eat at Pinzimini save room for dessert!

 WWW.GOLFINGPALMSPRINGSMAGAZINE.COM            2021 GOLFING PALM SPRINGS                                          65
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