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Events & Groups                                                                                              VENUES


            WESTIN MISSION HILLS GOLF RESORT & SPA                         71333 Dinah Shore Dr., Rancho Mirage
                                                                           760-328-5955  |

          ocated in the heart of the Coachella  and facing the mission-style receding archway  they do so with grace and style .  They will
      LValley, the  Westin Mission Hills Golf  where  a  low,  tiered  waterfall  gently  flows.  manage details for you, your family and your
      Resort & Spa is the ideal place for your  The  photographs  would  be  impressive .  The  wedding party, and handle reservations for your
      next  group  outing,  event,  or  wedding .  With  desert landscape provides a further, stunning  guests . An innovative culinary team is prepared
      well over 100,000 square feet of indoor and  backdrop, no matter where you actually hold  to guide you and help craft a memorable menu,
      outdoor space available, you have a variety  your event . From intimate to extravagant,  unique to you . Due to it’s setting, the resort is
      of delightful choices . Choose from an array  traditional to unexpected, simple to elegant, the  able to incorporate produce and flavors from
      of boardrooms, meeting venues and elegant  location promises an unforgettable day, your  local farms .
      ballrooms, including the largest at 17,326  truly unique experience . Should you prefer
      square  feet.  The  resort  offers  a  variety  of  a night wedding, say “I Do” under twinkling  The resort will also accommodate the events
      outdoor spaces, including lush courtyards and  stars in a variety of outdoor venues . Celebrate  surrounding the actual wedding day—welcome
      patios  surrounded  by  blooming  hedges  and  the ceremony outdoors, and then move inside  receptions,  rehearsal  dinners,  farewell
      tropical trees . The Master Plaza, pillared by tall  to a reception area if you wish. The different   brunches and more. Be sure and book time at
      palm trees decorated in string lights, overlooks  inside venues  are designed  to accommodate  the spa for you and your friends, helping you
      the manicured golf courses .          various capacities, allowing room for guests  relax and prepare for your big day . Your guests
                                            and food, and musicians .            will enjoy the exquisite setting, food worthy of
      Consider elegantly designed ballrooms,                                     remembering, the day so special . Should they
      verdant lawns, expansive patios, and bubbling  The resort’s Heavenly  Wedding Package is  wish to arrive early and stay longer, there is
      waterfalls, each designed to complement the  implemented by impeccably trained service  much to do onsite and in the nearby vicinity,
      mood  of  your  event .  Imagine  the  ambiance  professionals who orchestrate a flawless event,  with dining options at the resort . And of course,
      created when you hold a ceremony on the front  ensuring that no detail of your celebration is  there’s golf—the perfect outing for your group .
      lawn, your guests flanked by towering palm trees  overlooked . They are there to serve you, and

 WWW.GOLFINGPALMSPRINGSMAGAZINE.COM            2021 GOLFING PALM SPRINGS                                          67
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