Page 126 - SOM_FALL_2020_FLIPBOOK
P. 126
chow | winemaker
With all the arrows pointing in the direction of the West Coast and From a pastime to a passion, Kirk and Kimberly have followed their
the desire to “be a part of the winemakers making premium wines of calling to create a premium wine. They have asserted resistance to
the region,” the Drakes moved with their three children to Ashland. becoming a large production company, instead producing small batches
During the first few years in the Pacific Northwest, Kimberly stud- of wines and paying careful attention to the process. Resistance Wine
ied chemistry and winemaking through extension classes at UC Davis Company will continue to hold veracity in the high standards in the
and Oregon State University, while working closely with teams at two making of their notable wines.
local winemaking facilities and gaining knowledge about the vineyards
in the region. Resistance Wine Company’s current release includes an exquisite 2017
Syrah and a 2019 Rose, while a Malbec and Pinot Noir are currently in
Resistance Wine Company was launched in 2016 with the goal of mak- the works. Resistance Wines are not offered in any retail stores, but can
ing premium wine with integrity, and has held steadfast to honoring be purchased through the company’s website and at select restaurants.
the high standards of winemaking. They produce small, premium hand-
crafted wines with minimally invasive and sustainable farming prac-
tices. The fruit is sourced from the best sites in the Rogue Valley, and Resistance Wine Company
they personally tend the grapes and the production process without 541-708-1272
the use of industrial shortcuts.
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